Clearing/healing symptoms caused by solar flares/solar radiation/geomagnetic storms


There have been incredible amount of solar flares lately including X class flares, various level geomagnetic storms, radio blackouts, and even an almost never seen Level 5 Geomagnetic Storm.

While some people are not affected by this at all, others are highly affected and feel symptoms physically, emotionally and/or mentally.

The most common symptoms Debbie is seeing as a result of these cosmic solar storms, are worsened musculoskeletal pain, especially joints, as well as increased dizziness, tinnitus, and particular spikes in anxiety and panic. Other symptoms are possible as it's never an exact science and can affect us all differently. Additionally, she has noticed that particularly the brain is affected.

This remote session will measure your solar sensitivity, correct some brain functions and restore your ‘solar body’. Your solar body is a measure of how you react to this solar and geomagnetic activity.

This remote will also correct these issues for you. A fully remote session means that Debbie does this session on her own time and you will be e-mailed your completed chart with the before and after results.

Please keep in mind that the ‘AFTER’ levels may not be fully 100% but can continue to improve with time as you integrate the healing work.

*** This is NOT on zoom or via the phone. This is fully remote like her Health Charts and Attachment clearings.


In the NOTES Section when you submit the order, make sure you include any information that is needed such as the name of who it's for if it's not for yourself ( for example its for your child ) and any symptoms you're experiencing/ length of symptoms etc.

There is an app you can use to check solar activity, this can help you pre-determine if Solar Activity may be the causation of your symptoms before purchasing.

However just like all Debbie's remotes, if you purchase this and when she goes to do your session, see's that this session is NOT what you need, and perhaps a Health Chart or Attachment clearing is needed instead, I will reach out to you and let you know and we will refund the difference. We can not force sessions if thats not what is coming up for you as causation.

The App is called: SPACE WEATHER APP


URGENT Turn around: Completed within 72 hours excluding Sundays

STANDARD Turn Around: Completed within 4 business days excluding Sundays

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