- Abundance

- Weight Loss

- Relationships

- Requested topics based on client-submissions

(see below for calendar schedule)


Hello everyone!

These group sessions by Debbie are a client favorite as they are a beautiful way to get healing & energetic clearing work (energetics, soul, emotional, spiritual, psychological/mental & physical level) at a fraction of the cost of a 1:1 session!

Our monthly Group Sessions are a combination of Debbie's Signature Energetic Fusion, Spiritual Response Therapy & TKH healing to create the most profound possible benefits & results! 

We host these sessions 2x per month in varying topic "themes."

In each session, Debbie energetically muscle tests through our list of over 100+ topics, for the priorities of the group consciousness. She then uses her modalities to clear, remove & heal anything and everything that comes up from our subconscious mind for each priority topic.

There is no way to know how many priorities will be covered in each session however the average is usually 4-7 topics per 1 hour session. We complete whatever can be done in the approximately 60 minute sessions. Some topics will continue to come up in various sessions until there is nothing left in that topic to clear/remove/heal.

Our 3 Group "themes" are below:

  1. All things Abundance / Finance: (helping to clear energetic/emotional/soul & mental blocks to abundance/financial success & so much more)
  2. Weight Loss/Body: (a helpful tool to aid in your weight loss journey addressing energetics, emotional, physical, soul/spirit, karmic & more )

There are 117 topics that Debbie has created/put together relating to weight/weight loss. These are things that you might never think of that would affect your ability to lose weight – like wearing the judgment of others, having your prana level too high, thermogenesis, carrying the weight of others, nutritional starvation, weight as punishment, and 100 other topics. These are the nuances that are not addressed by diet and exercise. This group is meant as an adjunct to everything else you’re doing. It would take many sessions to get through this entire list and some of these topics come up regularly. Don’t expect to see pounds and pounds of weight loss only meeting once a month however over time the benefits expand into multiple areas of your life beyond just your body/weight.

3. Relationships: This covers topics from unhelpful patterns in relationships, wounding from childhood that negatively affect your adult relationships, inner child wounding that negatively affect your adult relationships, insecure attachment spectrums from avoidant to anxious to disorganized attached, heart chakra work, relationships beliefs that don't serve you/hold you back, relationship patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck in abusive or unhealthy dynamics, improving the relationship with yourself, improving relationship security in general & so much more

Debbie and I are so excited to host these groups regularly as we love them just as much as our community!

Debbie's Group Session's are a powerful way to gain the benefits of her modalities, at a much lower cost and in a community energetic format. It also allows you to bank off of "borrowed benefits" which means that anything that comes up from others to clear, or programs from others that may not have come up for you for a long time, also gets cleared & healed ! Furthermore, when you have multiple people coming together to participate in the same Energetic Healing activity, it creates a Morphogenic field of energy which amplifies the results.

To healing, self-discovery, self-acceptance & love,


Example topics for our ABUNDANCE SESSIONS from our list of over 90 topics:

  • Fear of growth
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of numbers - knowing what the amounts are in accts, etc.
  • Limiting beliefs around money or lack
  • Reconnection to universal source and flow of abundance
  • Clearing resistance to abundance 
  • Lack of self-worth
  • Clearing your financial messes
  • Clearing financial illusions
  • Fear of scarcity
  • Abundance
  • Self sabotage & Financial self-sabotage
  • Prosperity
  • Receiving / Deserving
  • 2nd chakra (the money chakra)
  • Ancestral issues
  • Thought forms/patterns around financial issues
  • Money beliefs from parents and family or origin
  • Money beliefs from society, culture and mass consciousness
  • Polarities around have and have not, win and lose, spiritual and material, and related concepts.
  • Financial stress, tension, anxiety and worry
  • Trusting in yourself, others and spirit
  • Low self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, confidence
  • Beliefs around deserving to succeed and prosper
  • Past life and past life archives around money, abundance, and success
  • DNA and genetic archives around money abundance and success
  • Cellular memory around money, abundance and success
  • Clearing/amelioration of karma around money, abundance and success.
  • Blessings for money, personal finances and financial assets and liabilities
  • Handling all doubts and fears
  • Fear of change
  • Damaging decisions that you've made about money
  • Clearing indecision - all the options available
  • Clearing stuckness
  • Blocks to welcoming abundance
  • clearing limiting or harmful beliefs about money/wealth

Example topics for our WEIGHT LOSS SESSIONS from our list of over 115 topics:

  • Emotional eating
  • Binge eating
  • Self-loathing
  • Limiting beliefs around food or moving your body
  • Wanting to be invisible/not seen
  • Carrying/wearing the judgment of others
  • Ancestral/generational/DNA issues
  • Worthiness
  • Carrying other people's stuff - old healer beliefs
  • Using weight to stay grounded
  • Getting honest with self and others
  • Learned/family eating habits (not enough, too much, lucky to have any)
  • Clean plate club and other mandates from adults
  • Emotions like : Self-esteem, Guilt, Shame
  • Being comfortable in your skin
  • Weight as punishment
  • Belief that you can’t meet your desires or reach your goals until you lose weight
  • Bullying about your weight
  • Others trying to control your weight
  • Beliefs that you cannot lose weight
  • Parasites and medical issues preventing weight loss
  • Motivation/Inspiration
  • Deserving/feeling undeserving 
  • Grief, and literally carrying someone you lost
  • Stress/healthy coping
  • Instant gratification around food
  • Feeling safe at your ideal weight
  • Remnants of yo-yo dieting
  • Nutritional starvation (not getting nutrients from food)
  • Clearing all previous attempts/failures
  • Toxins held in fat cells
  • Radiation held in fat cells
  • Harmonizing to meds that trigger fat storage
  • Food additives
  • Starving for love, money, meaning, etc.
  • Remnants and beliefs around famine
  • Connection with food being a surrogate for the connecting with our meaning and purpose
  • Fear of scarcity
  • Sexual trauma and other abuse - body as witness
  • Dysfunctional beliefs - born to be fat, meant to be fat, deserve to be fat.
  • Using weight to create physical distance between you and others
  • Self-punishment
  • Subconscious desire to suffer
  • Testing others to see if they will still love you no matter what

Example topics for our RELATIONSHIP SESSIONS from our list:

  • Releasing residue and remnants of all previous relationships, releasing/dissolving cords
  • Releasing old patterns from previous relationships, whether they are yours or your partner's so you don't keep picking the same person
  • All things heart chakra
  • Clearing anything that stands in the way of you having the qualities you seek in another
  • Limiting beliefs about relationships or the opposite sex
  • Clearing anything that keeps you from being ready, willing, able, safe, deserving, supported, committed, available, worthy, free to be, and destined for your right and perfect relationship. 
  • Harmonizing you to your current or future partner.
  • Ancestral, cultural or societal
  • Discernment
  • Feeling safe to be seen/to be visible
  • Clearing Childhood attachment trauma that create dysfunctional dynamics as adults 
  • Healing Insecure attachment (includes avoidant, anxious & disorganized) (approx 50% of the population has insecure attachment) 
  • Repeating unhelpful patterns from caregiver relationships in romantic relationships
  • Clearing Beliefs around being undeserving of healthy love
  • Clearing lasting psychological damage & emotional pain from unhealthy previous or current relationships 
  • Creating Inner child safety & security to show up fully in our relationships
  • Relationship to something other than human or pet
  • Communication
  • Relationship with self
  • Conflicts, shocks and trauma
  • Seeking out / Conditioned to chaos, choosing chaotic relationships over “boring” ones that are actually healthy dynamics 
  • Dichotomous thinking - all or nothing thinking & it’s negative impacts on relationships 
  • Relationship sabotage & buying into the inner critique narratives 
  • Lack of being able to pin point boundaries & then asserting them 
  • Tendency or either run or shut down regarding conflict
  • Rupture and repair / not knowing how to repair the connection 
  • Ego keeping disconnection & protection 
  • Tendency to mistrust / not trust 
  • Fear of abandonment 
  • Inability / blocks to identifying needs within self & within relationships
  • Inability / fear speaking up for your needs / wants in a relationship 
  • Silencing truth out of fear of pushing partner away 
  • Fear of deep intimacy 
  • Belief that “my needs don’t matter” or “my needs are too much” 


November 25 (Monday) 7:30pm EST Client-Requested Topics


LIVE via Zoom (*** If you can NOT attend this time LIVE, don't worry! You can you can still book your spot below and receive the benefits of this Healing & Clearing Session via the recording. Simply e-mail us and let us know you couldn't attend LIVE and we will send you the recording within 24 hours.)


Approximately 60-70 minutes


A la carte, pay per session:

$39 ($33 for the month of October)


Find a comfortable place to join from, such as a sofa or bed, where you can be fully relaxed & present.

Put your phone away or on Do-Not-Disturb and silence anything that is distracting.

Debbie will begin the session by grounding all of our energy before transitioning into the healing & clearing work.

And that's it!

Can't wait to see you there <3

IF YOU CAN'T ATTEND LIVE for any of the sessions:

E-mail with the subject "recording needed - group session date - your name" and I will get the recording out to you within 24 hours of you requesting it!


Make sure to check the descriptions on each individual listing for the topics covered in that specific session. These are all instant downloads.


  • TIMING: Please allow at least 24 hours (preferably 72 hours) between sessions if you purchase more than one You can do/listen to ANY of these at any time, whether it's been days, weeks, months or years since the actual date of the LIVE session, they have no expiration date as energy is endless

  • You do NOT have to listen to them in the order we hosted them. For example: You can purchase Abundance Sessions 1 and 4, but not 2 or 3. You can purchase Relationships 2 and 5 but non of the others etc.
  • You can listen to these sessions in any order you'd like if you end up purchasing them at different times


Please use the button below OR the embedded scheduler below.

IMPORTANT *** If you are on a mobile device, please use the button to ensure a smooth booking experience.

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