Done via ZOOM by Debbie

Testimonial from a Medical Doctor:

"I have been aware of atlas misalignment for many years. As an MD- I have referred many patients to have their atlas adjusted by a board certified atlas orthogonal chiropractor with great success. I have personally had many successful atlas adjustments by the atlas chiropractor, but most recently, I had an injury that triggered the sensation of what I felt when I had a concussion 1.5 yrs ago (without direct trauma to my head). I had a workout that likely strained my muscles to pull my atlas out leading to severe, constant headaches, sharp stabbing pains in my throat with eating and also significant pain that was inhibiting my day to day life. But I was not able to get the same success I was used to with the typical atlas adjustments. Debbie was able to adjust my atlas remotely via I believe sound frequency therapy. During the session, I feel super relaxed to the point where I feel like I am about to fall asleep. My pain relief was immediate right after the first session. I finally did not have a headache or the sharp pains that were limiting me. My atlas had stayed aligned at my 2 wk visit and I am beyond thrilled and grateful for Debbie's work as I can finally get back to my regular life. " - Dr. H

Debbie is one of less than fifty Certified Atlas Balancing practitioners in the United States. She is also one of the only few who does remote Atlas Balancing, and is the only Certified Atlas Balancing Practitioner who combines it with kinesiology and other Unique Energetic Healing Modalities.

First let's talk about what Atlas Balancing is NOT.

 Atlas Balancing is NOT a chiropractic adjustment.  

Atlas Balancing is a technique developed by Elisabeth Westermann of Germany to put the (cervical) atlas in place. 

This is done through specific Sound Codes™ and gentle energetic touch. Many are aware of the significance of the atlas, and the importance of having it aligned. While there are many techniques to put it in place, there are only two known techniques that allow it to remain in place without repeated applications. Atlas Prophilax™ is one, and requires a $30,000 machine. Atlas Balancing is the other. 

Atlas Balancing requires neither x-rays nor equipment. Once the atlas is in place, there is a 99% chance it will remain in place. The only cause for it to move out of place would be a severe trauma, such as a serious car accident or a fall from a roof.

The atlas is rotated by a minimum of 19 degrees in every human. It is in our DNA. The only way that someone will be born with an atlas that is in its socket is if the mother has her atlas balanced prior to getting pregnant.  

You can learn more about it HERE
Since the atlas has such close proximity to many nerves and other structures, the effects of having it in place can be vast. It can help with chronic neck and back pain, stiffness and inflexibility. It can alleviate migraines and other headaches. It can facilitate the healing of jaw issues and bruxism, even hearing and certain vision issues. Since the digestive system is highly affected by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, this too can often be helped by the balancing of the atlas.

Once the atlas is in place, the body begins to reorient and rebalance itself to this new alignment. Many people find they require fewer visits to the chiropractor, some as little as every three to six months. In addition to physical issues, there are potential spiritual effects. Once the atlas is back in place and the spine realigns, there is nothing blocking the left side of the spinal region. This allows energy coming into the crown chakra to flow unimpeded, and allows the kundalini to flow freely as well. Once this kundalini begins to flow, this moves the body into its natural self-healing mode. After this occurs, many marvelous changes can take place. There are testimonials of Alzheimers correction, type II diabetes resolving itself, ADHD being affected, chronic constipation healed, hearing restored, and many other benefits. Additionally, people simply feel more open, have more energy, feel lighter and more aware, and have an overall sense of well-being. Old traumas may come up days, weeks or months after the atlas is moved into place. As this occurs, some minor pain may be experienced for a few days, then the body releases it as the self-healing continues over time. So while there can be immediate results, the benefits continue as time goes on.

Atlas Balancing is a rare type of modality that only needs to be done once.  

This method moves the atlas into place and assuming proper follow up care is followed it does not need to be repeated.

There is a mandatory (but free) follow up session after about two weeks just to check on the other vertebrae/client's progress. 

The first visit takes approximately 45-60 minutes, with the free follow up (free visit) taking about 30-40 minutes. 

ONE TIME COST: $295 (free follow up included)

*Option of AB Maintenance (see below) 

*Disclaimer - Debbie will not perform Atlas Balancing on you if you have had a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), a previous head injury or concussion, or spinal chord injuries.


Not much needs to be done prior to your session except to plan ahead & understand that you can not have any chiropractic adjustments/manipulations for 2 weeks following your Atlas Balancing appointment.

Also acknowledge & understand that you can NOT do any exercise that strains your neck also for the 2 weeks following your session. 

NO: crossfit, running, weight lifting, jogging, boxing, sports, soccer, football, basketball, tennis, racketball, pickleball, rowing etc.

YES: Walking and light stretching/yoga poses are fine too but if in doubt, better to hold off.

(very relaxing session!) 

Sound Code Therapy tune-up's are for those who have already completed their Atlas Balancing session with Debbie!

Debbie will run through all the Atlas Balancing sound codes again, and then see if your body is in need of any of the other highly specialized sound codes. 

This is a delightful, relaxing 30 minute session that can also act to release anxiety, ill feelings, tension etc.

PRICE: $85

Length: 30 minute session

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