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"Giving a voice to animals all across the globe"
Open to all species: dogs, cats, horses, small pets, lizards & more
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Sally has been my (Carina's) animal communicator for the past 4 years and has truly been a Godsend to my life and my pets lives. I have wanted to join forces with her for years now and I am so grateful that the timing finally aligned for our collaboration!
She has made such a huge difference in my life as a pet-mom, and I truly believe every pet-parent needs a Sally in their corner, so I could not be more excited to have her on board!
I am so grateful that you can experience the profound benefits of having an experienced & integral Animal Communicator like Sally in your and your pet(s) lives.
Make sure to check out THIS SECTION, where I explain many of the ways Sally has helped my babies and I over the years!
- Carina
Eg: aggression, seperation anxiety, jealousy between pets, peeing on furniture/rugs, asserting dominance etc
You may be wondering why your animal has a change in their behavior and what caused it or you may wonder why your animal has a certain behavior trait. Understanding why will make any corrections or changes much easier to implement.
Eg: bringing home a baby or a new pet, moving, splitting up/divorce & more
You could be moving home, having a baby, getting another pet, ending or beginning a relationship. Speaking to your animal to find out how they’re handling the changes and how they feel about it will make dramatic difference in the happiness of the household
Eg: acute and chronic illness, pre-surgery & post-surgery communication
This is not to diagnose but to assist you and your vet. You may think something is wrong with your animal, by speaking to them and scanning them it can help identify what it feels like and where the discomfort is. It can also be that you have had a diagnosis and we can do energy work to help the healing in conjunction with your vet’s treatment.
Learn to understand your pets needs/wants and create a deeper more harmonious connection
Often clients might want to know how their animal is doing, what they like/don’t like and what they want to do more of.
Eg: End of life support, learning your pets wants/needs for their last few weeks/months on earth, or if you've already lost your baby, Sally can communicate with him/her after passing
Losing an animal is incredibly heartbreaking, even more so if it was unexpected or happened in a traumatic way. Animal communication helps the process before and after the animal passes.
Animal communication is the transference of words, pictures and feelings through telepathy.
Telepathy is a skill we are all born with and as we learn speech as our main form of communication, we stop using telepathy until we no longer believe it is possible. Yet, if you think about it, most people still use it they just put it down to coincidence.
For example, have you ever thought about a friend and then they call or you think about someone and wonder if they’re ok, when you reach out you hear they’ve been having a hard time. This is a form of telepathy, an energetic connection that we all have if we allow ourselves to accept it.
Animals communicate in this way and they’ve never been told it’s silly or can’t be done, it just is.
As an example, living in Los Angeles, I’ve had times when my dogs have woken me up barking like crazy at what I thought was nothing only for an earthquake to happen a few moments later.
Sally not only has had 9 years of first hand experience as an animal communicator, she also began in this field by completing a full Animal Communication university program which required her to work at animal sanctuaries/rescues communicating with animals of all kinds, as well as gain real-life experience with a minimum of 65 private family's before she ever began charging for it.
Sally has always been a huge animal lover, with dogs of her own and a history of equestrian experience. After spending every weekend at her local equestrian center, she eventually became a qualified instructor.
Life took a turn and she left the Equestrian world for international event management. While this was a abulous career that took her all over the world, she always felt her soul calling her back to working with animals, she just wasn't sure what that looked like.
Soon after she learned about animal communication she felt a strong pull toward the field. Sally initially signed up for an animal communication workshop in Seattle and immediately after, signed up for their entire University Program.
During the Death & Dying part of the university course, her dog, King, was diagnosed with acute leukemia and only given a few weeks to live.
The journey she went on for the next three months with her baby, King, showed her without a doubt in her mind, that this was her life's purpose... to give a voice to those who don’t have one.
That was 9 years ago.
She has been helping animals all over the world ever since.
If you have an urgent issue please book the soonest opening and then e-mail Sally and myself (sally@hhcollectivewellness.com and CC carina@hhcollectivewellness.com) with the subject "URGENT CALL REQUEST" and we will do our best to get you in within 24-48 hours. Make sure you explain the nature of the urgency in the e-mail.
*** Pets in a terminal/end of life or medical emergency will get priority of Sally's time however we will do our best to accomodate all urgent requests.
Urgent requests can also be for if you have to go on a last minute work trip and you need Sally to communicate to your baby that you're going away etc.
I am SO incredibly passionate about Sally's work because of my PERSONAL experience with what she has helped my animals and I with over the last 4+ years
*** For a smooth booking experience from your mobile device, I recommend using the button below instead of the embedded scheduler.
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HH Collective Wellness is a virtual platform of Independent Healers/Practitioners and their services & offerings. HH Collective Wellness is NOT a medical practice and our Team are not Medical Doctors. The services, suggestions, & opinions shared by HH Collective's Practitioners & Healers are based solely on their education and experiences helping people through their innate & learned craft(s). Their knowledge and experience has not been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other federal, state, local or private agency. HH Collective services are not intended to treat any medical or psychological conditions; nor claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
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