HEALING SESSION FOR SOLAR SENSITIVITY: Symptoms from Solar Radiation/Flares/Cosmic Activity by Debbie (See Description)

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See extra photos for CHART example empty and a filled out actual-client session.

DESCRIPTION: There have been incredible amount of solar flares including X class flares, and an almost never seen Level 5 Geomagnetic Storm. Some people are not affected by this at all, and some are. The most common issues I find are people experiencing greatly worsened musculoskeletal pain, especially joints, as well as increased dizziness, tinnitus, and particular spikes in anxiety and panic. Other symptoms are possible. Additionally, The brain is affected. This session will measure your sensitivity, correct some brain functions and restore your ‘solar body’, which is a measure of how you react to this solar and geomagnetic activity. This remote will correct these issues via session. The ‘AFTER’ levels may not be fully 100% but can continue to improve with time.

NOTE*** Just like all Debbie's Remotes, if you purchase something and there is noething that comes up for it, or it's not the right session, we will let you know and swap it to what you need for your situation. So for example say you purchased this but you really needed a Health Chart, we would let you know, do the health chart and refund the difference. Debbie can't force sessions if its not what the person needs / is reacting to.

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HEALING SESSION FOR SOLAR SENSITIVITY: Symptoms from Solar Radiation/Flares/Cosmic Activity by Debbie (See Description)
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