Done remotely by Debbie



  • Attachments exist to take anything negative and amplify it
  • So you might have a little case of the blues, and they will turn it into major depression
  • They might take a little anger and turn it into rage
  • They might take a negative thought and spin it repeatedly in your head
  • A little muscle soreness could become intense pain
  • You may be having repeated dark thoughts that don't "feel like you"
  • You may feel like having a break down or crying all day and may not even know why


  • Feeling extremely drained for no reason
  • Having extreme symptoms (physical, emotional etc) that seem to have come out of no where
  • Having a temper or being rageful when you are not normally like that
  • Extreme pain is quite often a difficult entity
  • Bad mood / severely irritable all of a sudden yet nothing particularly happened to shift your mood
  • Pain that gets worse and worse & doesn't seem to "let up"

*** These attachments could be current or could be from any lifetime

Please do not get obsessed about this stuff. There is nothing "wrong" with you and getting attachments does not "mean" anything scary or negative. It just is.

The more you think about this and the more fear or anxiety you are in about this, the more you call them in.

And the more we talk about them and mull them over, the more power we give them.

For these reasons, you will not be given a list of what was found/cleared.

However, I (Carina) will text or e-mail you to let you know when the clearing has been completed.


These attachments are defined in the S.R.T modality as follows:

Discarnates (in general): Discarnates are souls who have left the physical body. After physical death the soul has 90 hours to leave the planet. If they do not leave within that time, they are stuck and cannot escape. When a soul leaves the carnal body, they carry into the invisible realm with them everything they learned in the flesh. They are stuck at whatever level they were at in life. 

Discarnates in the Aura, or Discarnates in Possession: these are not usually destructive or harmful to the host. They may be stuck due to addiction, or fear of punishment by God. Or they don’t believe they are dead or they don’t believe in an afterlife. 

Discarnates in past lives: These may be those whose death was caused by the client. These will block the energy for healing that past life.

Separates: These are souls who made it out of the earth plane within the 90 hours, but returned without a body for some reason – to learn something else, or to have a certain experience. They can download programs to the person who has them.

Imprints of Brain Damage: Imprints are a statement or event that is registered in the client’s mind during an emotionally charged time. There may be imprints of brain damage that come from birth, or from the first two years of life. 

‘Other’ imprints: These are from past lives, and include 4 different types: Entities not otherwise listed on the charts, Openings, which are like portals for these things to come in and out of your space, cracks, which are not as big as openings but do the same things on a smaller level, and Deceivers or Tricksters.

Discordant thought forms: Negative thoughts repeated over and over and over actually become things – they begin to have their own energy and form.

Conscious Control: blocks or interferences caused by you trying to control things. 

Satanics/Demonics: souls with dark energies

Dark Energies: same, but darker/more difficult than satanics/demonics

Dark forces: discarnates with dark energy who band together to try to cause problems. 

Satanic Forces/Demonic Forces: same – groups of these souls who band together.

Other: Other blocks and interferences, not listed above.


Once you purchase a session, I will send your Session Order Details to Debbie to complete within the allotted time that you paid for. This is a completely REMOTE session which means there are no zoom links to join or appointments to schedule like with some of our other modalities.

I will text or e-mail you to let you know once Debbie has completed the Attachment Clearing.

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