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Redox Signaling Molecules
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I have been using ASEA-Redox Molecules since 2017 and it has saved me tens of thousands of dollars in bills for myself and veterinary bills for my pets, so I feel endless gratitude and just want to share this with everyone.
There are also thousands (yes thousands) of people's testimonials w/ photos, posted in the Private Facebook Group from people around the world. Some even attach their documents of tangible results of their healing. Its truly amazing & heart warming.
**** Note: This specific group is a private Facebook so it's not searchable. You would have to add me on FB and then I can invite you into the group.
Please read this page in entirety before you buy it ! I have a BUYING Section as well :)
*** Please do NOT buy ASEA from Amazon or any other 3rd party websites, as ASEA can not guarantee it's safety OR authenticity that way.
Only purchase through their direct website through a verified ASEA Associate like myself who you can talk to 1:1 and get support from on-going.
With that said, anyone who starts their ASEA healing journey with me gets my full support as it’s my way of ensuring that every person is getting ASEA’s full benefits and is able to gain maximum benefit.
Now let's dive in to learning!
*** DISCLAIMER: ASEA does not claim to prevent or cure any diseases.
In short, ASEA-Redox is a clear liquid that contains millions of perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a shelf-stable & non-toxic saline solution. ASEA REDOX (and Renu 28 Gel) are the only 'supplements' on the market able to replenish our body with these much-needed redox signaling molecules. The clear liquid itself is a non-toxic saline solution, but the benefit is from the Redox Signaling Molecules suspended within.
Renu 28 is the same redox molecule concept but made into a non-toxic gel form to be applied topically for skin health and healing. (I explain in the next sections what Redox Signaling Molecules are & why they are vital to our health & to combat negative effects of aging.
ASEA Redox helps the body create health on a cellular level. It helps our body generate energy, strengthen immunity, activate antioxidants and work the way nature intended it to.
By drinking it daily you are replenishing and restoring something native to your own body that enhances the vital cellular function within, thus positively affecting the health of every organ and system in the body. Having healthy cells and proper cellular function not only keeps our body functioning properly and arms it against creating disease, but it can heal the damage that's already occurred within our trillions of cells that are causing our ailments, disease, imbalances, conditions etc.
ASEA has developed the only technology that can create and stabilize active redox molecules in a consumable and topical form. No matter how mild or severe your health concern may be; your body & overall health will benefit greatly from having optimally functioning cellular communication networks by taking ASEA internally & applying Renu 28 topically. More than $5 million has been spent to test ASEA and its foundational technology, and all results show that ASEA is safe to all tissues, organs, and systems of the body. These studies tested for dozens of adverse effects, including endotoxicity, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, reverse mutation, chromosomal aberration, and acute toxicity.
This rigorous testing of a finished product is something unheard of in the world of dietary supplements. Why? Because it’s expensive! Who wants to spend $5 million or more in safety studies? ASEA does.
They want you to know that every bottle, every serving, and every sip of ASEA brings you powerful benefits while remaining completely safe to your body. ASEA (also called ASEA water by some people) is trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution—the same molecules that exist in the cells of the human body.
Asea has been shown in studies to : increase cellular production bioavailability and utilization of Glutathione, also known as the body's master antioxidant. An abundance of glutathione offers: Increased cell energy production, enhanced tissue health, improved blood circulation, better immunity and repair, cellular regeneration
Australia, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, united Kingdom, United States & Switzerland
First and foremost, Redox Signaling is a function that is central to all life on our planet. The production of these molecules is so vital, that without them, we would die within seconds. (4) Redox signaling molecules are critical to the protection of cells, the detection of damage and the repair or replacement of damaged cells. Redox Signaling molecules are created within every cell of the body and are vital to our immune system, cellular health mechanisms, detoxification, central nervous system, and to the overall proper functioning and health of our tissues, organs, body & mind. Having a proper supply of these molecules enables the normal cellular health process where damaged & dysfunctional cells fade away, and healthy, vibrant cells take over. (4)
At birth these cells are functioning at 100%, that's why babies and young children have so much energy and can heal so quickly. At about age 12, efficiency and production starts to decrease until by the time we are 70 or so, they are only working at about 10%. This is the reason we tire faster and it takes longer to heal from illness or injuries as we age. (9)
Furthermore, as stress and environmental toxins overwhelm our lives and weaken our defenses, normal cellular function declines and the body’s ability to produce and maintain a proper balance of redox signaling molecules plummets! (5)
Redox Signaling molecules are classified into two groups that work together to “do their job.” Reactive Oxygen Species and Reduced Species. The Reactive Oxygen Species arm the immune system, and the Reduced Species activates antioxidants. A careful, homeostatic balance between these two species is naturally maintained in all cells and tissues. (4 ) When a problem arises or damage occurs within the body, this homeostatic balance is disturbed sending a signal to these molecules, causing the cells and tissues to defend and repair themselves, thus restoring the healthy balance. This is why having an adequate supply of Redox Molecules at ALL ages is so vital to maintaining cellular health, thus maintaining overall body health. The health of our cells determines the health of us!
Here is an excerpt from the book, “Youth, Health and Endurance: What Scientists Know and You Should To,” to help further explain how they work!
“Redox signaling molecules are produced in pairs and in order to function properly, both are needed. The first molecule, the reduced species or (RS) is tasked with Antioxidant Activation. It would be hard to find someone who hasn't heard of antioxidants. Their ability to neutralize free radicals is almost the stuff of legends, and supplement companies are tripping over themselves to spread the word about the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value of their product. They have it half right. Antioxidants are important in the battle against free radicals. The other half of the story is that without a sufficient amount of redox signaling molecules to activate the antioxidants, a person may as well be eating M & M's. By the time most of us are concerned enough about our health to be taking antioxidant supplements, we only have enough redox signaling molecule efficiency to activate a small fraction of them. Antioxidants without RS to activate them are about as useful as a light bulb with no source of electricity." (9)
Let's understand WHY Cellular health is the most fundamental form of health and to truly understand WHY & HOW Asea works, we first must understand what Cellular Health is.
As you may or may not know, cells are “the building blocks of life.” We live and die at a cellular level.
The human body is composed of approximately 37.2 trillion cells (1) and over 200 types of cells from retinal cells, to brain cells, to blood cells and skin cells! These cells provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions that aid inadequately functioning organs and systems. (2) For us to be healthy, our cells must be healthy. For our cells to be healthy, they must have (3) adequate supply and function of redox signaling molecules along with the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, etc. that are needed to assist our cells in carrying out their intended task and purpose.
Redox signaling molecules act as transmitters and communicators between the cells to detect, protect, repair or replace damaged cells. (4) If our cellular function is not able to repair or replace malfunctioned, damaged cells with new healthy & vibrant cells, our tissues, and organ functions start to deteriorate creating ailments, pain, and disease. The problem though, is that by the time we start to feel “something is off,” cellular damage has already been occurring for an extended period of time. (5)
The most frequent causes of cellular dysfunction are a deficiency of these pertinent redox molecules, an inadequate supply of key essential nutrients, excess consumption of glucose, increased free radicals (a by-product of energy production) and toxin overload.
Think about when you’ve been ill. Even if it was a ‘stomach bug’ it is your cells that were affected by the poisonous chemicals or toxins from the bacterial cells in the bad food. (6)
You may know someone who has been ill with a disease or disorder such as meningitis, malaria, diabetes, a type of cancer, cystic fibrosis, or Alzheimer’s disease. All these diseases and disorders are caused by problems at a cellular or molecular level. (6) Furthermore, physical damage such as a burn or broken bone also cause damage at the cellular level. It doesn’t stop there, however. Cells subjected continuously to emotional and energetic stress also become dysfunctional, and this dysfunction equates to illness, pain, ailments, etc. because the cells and body are distressed and no longer can function correctly.
For optimal cell health, we must provide the body with correct care. (7)
We do that by:
1. eating organic, nutritious, whole and toxic-free foods
2. Working on healing our trauma/wounds/limiting beliefs/patterns etc
3. Learning our body, our energy fields, systems & healing / keeping them optimal flow
4. Incorporating movement into our daily routine
5. Limiting Toxins, toxic chemicals, EMF, 5G radiation etc in our home/self/environment
6. Supplementing according to our nutrient & mineral deficiencies
7. Receiving regular chiropractic care to keep our spine in proper alignment (which controls the function of every single cell, tissue, and organ in the body)
8. Being compassionate to and loving ourselves (cells react to everything we think and say),
9. Drinking enough water (at least 1/2 our body weight in oz per day) to keep our cells hydrated! Water makes up about two-thirds of the weight of cells, so hydration is vital for cellular health!
10. Detoxing our bodies on a regular basis through sweating, colonics, enemas and herbal cleanses
We must also use stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, spending time in nature, meditation, hypnosis, reiki, etc. to calm our minds and body, reducing the oxidative and emotional stress damage that occurs.
Cellular health equates to our health. Cellular damage or disease equates to our ailments and disease. There is no such thing as having a healthy body + mind without having healthy and properly functioning cells. Knowing this can make all the difference.
Few things I’d like to note from the get go that are very important:
The reason people may say they have not noticed benefit from ASEA is if:
1. They don’t take enough oz per day for their current body’s health condition (the more severe health issues the more redox molecules are needed)
2. They don’t take it for a long enough duration (90 days is a good MINIMUM to aim for although the goal is for everyone to notice at least a few benefits within the first 14-30 days! The more OZ per day, the quicker the benefits. (except if you're detoxing too quickly then you may feel detox side affects).
3. They are not taking it properly (timing, method of swallowing etc)
Remember that, you can take 2oz 2x per day for 30 days and not "obviously" feel benefits and then say “it doesn’t work," so they stop.
1. Just because you don't feel noticeable benefit doesn't mean it's not creating massive benefit within.
The average malignant breast cancer tumor has been growing for 5-7 YEARS in the person's body before it's detectable by a mammogram or before the person has enough negative symptoms to go get it checked out.
So just like all disease takes time to create itself -- healing a disease & healing the body at a cellular level, ALSO takes time.
Be patient.
Also, if you do NOT feel benefits within the first 7-10 days, it is advised to increase dosage until you notice benefit. This is your body’s way of saying, “I need more support than just X oz per day.”
For example, your body can need 8-10oz a day for 4 months but then once the results you seek are attained, you can go down to the maintenance daily adult-dose! (2oz 2x per day)!
These dosing suggestions put together by an experienced team of Clinical Board Members including PHD Researchers & Doctors
Daily minimum dose for adults who are at an optimal level of health: 4oz a day (2oz, 2x per day)
At least 6-10oz a day for adults for a multitude of health challenges. Commit to 3-6 months.
Once at the desired health, you can dose-down to 4-6oz per day or whatever dosing makes you feel your best.
(dosing for infant, toddler, children depend on both height/weight & current health challenges)
Examples of health challenges beyond just "not feeling your best" include:
Approx 10-16oz per day for severe health challenges such as:
2oz first thing in the morning on a empty stomach and in the evening or at night either 2 hours apart from food and or right before bed.
Take it at least 10 minutes apart from brushing teeth. Before swallowing the ASEA, hold it in your mouth for 40-50 seconds (if possible) as the molecules are best absorbed orally/sublingually.
AFTER 6-7 days :
Increase Asea Redox to 3oz morning and 3oz night on an empty stomach.
See how you’re responding.
Increase Asea Redox to 4oz morning and 4oz at night. This is called the “miracle 8” because it's the dosage that most people find the MOST benefits/healing with! Stay at a minimum of this dosage for at least 6 months and then re-evaluate!
Continue to increase it if you haven’t yet felt benefits until you find the optimal dose. Rest assured it’s working whether you feel it right away or not. However, to reverse health challenges you will need to increase your intake to fit your body’s current framework.
*** NOTE: If you have any detox reactions as you increase the dosage (worsened pain, headaches, fatigue, nausea, congestion etc) you can back down the dosage and work your way up more slowly to the higher dosage. Most people don’t have issues and detox symptoms are usually only seen in only 10% of Asea customers, however, there are some people who require a more gradual increase to mitigate unwanted detox symptoms.
Never the less it’s important to note that the more heavy metals, mold, dormant viruses & toxins a person has, the more likely for them to experience detox symptoms! Remember, ASEA is detoxing your body on a CELLULAR level!
NOTE* : If you are not feeling benefits it’s because your body is more taxed and needs MORE redox molecules to repair. This is entirely individual per the person & the way their body is taxed, how much support it needs etc.
For me personally, after about 5 months on ASEA taking 5-6oz per day, I pumped it up to 14-16oz a day for about 30-40 days and THAT totally did a 180 on my health! Then I went back down to about 6oz per day!
ASEA does NOT interact or interfere with any medications or remedies since it is not processed via the kidney & liver but instead absorbed directly into the body orally & as you're swallowing. A huge majority of customers actually find themselves able to get OFF most if not all of their meds after X amount of months on ASEA (its different for everyone!). * If you are watching your blood pressure, an average adult dosing of ASEA is equivalent to the amount of "sodium" in only 3 carrots, so it is easy to incorporate it into your lifestyle/diet even if you are watching your sodium intake. Plus all sodium isn't equal
If you think it tastes like “pool water” please don’t get alarmed, this is your olfactory nerve in your nose picking up on the chloride molecule. The stronger the "taste" of chlorine, the more out of balance your body is. As your body comes more into equilibrium you will taste it less and less.
See this explanation below as to why some people associate it’s taste to pool water.
"The olfactory nerve (in the nose) may detect or be sensitive to the chloride redox molecule odor which is mistaken for “taste.” The strength of this odor is an indicator of the body being out of balance and WILL diminish with improvement in your health. It is a great barometer of your health over time because maintaining balance is NEVER a static process. Therefore, you may come into balance in a month, but find yourself aware of the smell in 6 months. Use this to analyze what additional stressors are placing a higher load on your body, make changes in those stressors and increase your intake of Asea to help your body handle that additional stress until it is back in balance."
* You can also keep it in the refrigerator which cuts back that taste! I don’t store it in the fridge but a lot of people do, especially if their children take ASEA :)
While ASEA helps thousands of people regulate their blood pressure enough to get off their BP medication, there may be a detox effect happening in the first few weeks that can slightly increase their blood pressure. See below for more information.
Dr. Gary Samuelson's explanation on why this can happen, especially in more elderly people.
"To help you understand what might be happening inside the body: several measures of cellular efficiencies increase as a result of redox signaling exposure. Especially in older people or people with large-scale tissue damage, the increased efficiencies may also help the cells to more efficiently clean up the "garbage" that has been building up in their cells, washing the garbage and toxins into the blood supply. This clean-up effort by the cells at time may cause what is termed a "detox" reaction. The kidneys while trying to get rid of the garbage will, at times, order an increase in blood pressure to help expel the toxins. This is a temporary condition that should not last more than a month after first taking the product consistently.
The best recommendations to help someone that is going through a detox reaction is to ask them to drink plenty of water, to help flush the body, 12-16 glasses a day, for example. Be patient and if the detox symptoms get too uncomfortable, cut back on ASEA Dosage, taking ½ - 1 oz 4 times a day (some just spray it in their mouths several times a day) while the cleanup process is taking place. One encouraging thought: athletes in our studies who underwent somewhat uncomfortable detox reactions at first and were patient, later had the greatest improvements later on.
The amount of salt in ASEA is not large enough to significantly affect blood pressure. 125mg of sodium is the same as that in three large carrots. Almost any salt-restricted diet can be adjusted to include ASEA. I hope that all goes well for you.
- Dr. Gary"
(face/skin spray, eye drops, nasal spray, hair/scalp spray & more!)
General link to my Amazon Store Category for products I use with ASEA
Make sure to disinfect & wash them before filling them with ASEA!
Taking apart everything and put everything in a bowl of 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 hot water. Soak for 15 minutes, make sure to pump the liquid into the sprayer/pump/dropper so the hydrogen peroxide reaches all the parts.
After 15 minutes, rinse each part under the faucet thoroughly so there is no traces of hydrogen peroxide left!
Reconfigure and then fill with ASEA and bam! Ready to use!
***** IMPORTANT: ASEA's redox molecules start to become inactive approx 30 days after opening (exposure with oxygen), so keep the quantities you fill in your bottles small so that you're using it within the 30-day window of when you fill it! Keep in mind that it does NOT become harmful after 30 days, it just simply won't be as effective, and the longer it's been open, the less and less effective it will be.
*** While there is ASEA being sold on AMAZON, please do NOT take that risk. Only order below or through another verified Associate who can actually be available to text/e-mail directly and who can answer your questions & guide you on your ASEA journey. There is a valid reason they don't offer it to buy publically because they want people to be properly informed & have support of an ASEA Associate.
THE LINK TO BUY/SIGN UP with me as your ASEA Associate/Coach:
My sponsor ID for when you order is:
Option 1: RETAIL
With this option you create a retail-account and buy the products at full retail price. If you choose this option you do not get any discounts or points and are NOT able to create auto-ship orders.
With this option you create a “Preferred Customer” account where you get 15-35% discounts on all products and you are able to create auto-ship orders. This feature saves you the hassle of having to remember to place an order when you are running low! There are no hidden fees what so ever and you and your credit card do NOT get locked into anything. This means that you can edit or cancel your auto-ship order at ANY time with no cancellation fees or penalties. [ I personally LOVE the Autoship feature because it assures me that when I’m about to run out of my last bottle, a new set will show up at my door step! (I learned the hard way by not setting it up from the beginning and then running out of ASEA for 8 days because I forgot to re-order ahead of time !) ]
With this option you create an “ASEA Associate” account which also gives you the same 15-35% discounts and auto-ship options just like the Preferred Customer - BUT you ALSO receive your own website link (yourname.teamasea.com) where you can offer ASEA products directly to your friends, family, colleagues, patients etc, helping them change their health/life while also spreading the word about this cellular health and healing supplement! If you sign up as an Associate there is only a ONE time fee of 40$ which pays for your site link to be created (yourname.teamasea.com). There are no expensive “business kits” & no monthly “back office” fees. Just like with the Preferred Customer account, you are also NOT locked into anything if you sign up as an ASEA ASSOCIATE. You can edit or cancel your auto-ship order at any time with no cancellation or hidden fees.
For your first order I suggest ordering 6 bottles of ASEA REDOX, 1 bottle of RENU 28. (this is a good starting point) Then if you choose to, set up your AUTO-SHIP at whatever amount of bottles of ASEA REDOX you need depending on your needed dosage (remember that you can add bottles, remove bottles etc at ANY time before the shipment goes out, so you’re NEVER locked in to any amount of “bottles,” so don’t feel nervous about initially signing up for 6-8 incase you either need more or less as you continue!)
• 4 bottles per month is 4oz per day (2 in morning, 2 at night) — this is the BARE
minimum for adults
• 6 bottles per month is 6oz per day (3 in morning 3 at night)
• 8 bottles per month is approx 8oz per day (4 in morning, 4 at night) - this is the
“miracle 8” dosage where most people (without severe progressive/terminal diseases)
find the most benefits
• 10 bottles per month is approx 10oz per day (5 in morning, 5 at night)
• 12 bottles per month is approx 12.8 oz per day (6 in morning 6 at night)
So on and so forth! ** You can take it twice a day or split the total daily quantity into 3 dosages per day!
NOTE** I suggest rather to over buy than under buy because the days you run out you’ll really feel a big difference! Most people who don’t think “ASEA is doing anything” notice that it was actually doing a lot once they stop taking it!
Still have questions? Browse below
Because our body’s production of redox molecules naturally begins to decline in our adolesance and continues to decline the older we get. In addition, stress and environmental toxins further reduce our production of redox molecules leading to faster aging, oxidative stress & more chronic illness. These stressors take a huge toll on our body causing our Normal cellular function to decline, as well as our body’s ability to produce and maintain a proper balance of redox signaling molecules. This reduces our energy production and causing us to become vulnerable to disease, illnesses, aches and pains, wrinkles, signs of aging, etc. Remember, by the time you notice that something in your body feels “off,” your cells have known for quite some time!
Yes, more than 10,000 peer-reviewed papers have been written about it—there is even a scientific journal dedicated to its study. Do a simple search on Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) or Pub Med (pubmed.gov) for the term redox signaling to view some of the recent research being conducted in the field of redox signaling science.
Yes, ASEA patented the process and has made it available in two forms – ASEA Redox Supplement and RENU 28. There are several U.S. Government patents pending for ASEA related to its core technology.
Although ASEA is not allowed to make any “claims” in regards to cures and such, think of it this way. If these ailments, conditions etc are happening within or to your body, remember that your body does not know the name of a specific disease or malady, what it does know is whether it’s a billion cells are functioning properly or not! When the cells are dysfunctioning or damaged is when health issues begin to arise. ASEA Redox is targeting your health on a cellular level thus able to help your body heal on a cellular level. So whether you have something diagnosed with an A a D an N or a Z, your body only knows whats cellularly wrong within and thats what we want to target in order to heal.
ASEA is non-toxic and 100% safe. There are many testimonials on the private facebook Group of incredible results when giving to your pets. I give both my dogs ASEA daily & I give it to my cat if I think he's under the weather/ getting a UTI etc.
Yes it is vegan and cruelty-free. ASEA does not test on animals. All clinical testing performed was on humans by licensed medical doctors at certified facilities.
Each case comes with a 30 Day money back guarantee so if you, for whatever reason don’t want to continue taking it, you can send the empty bottles back before or on the 29th day, for a full refund. This guarantee is available on the initial enrollment order only. After the initial order, ASEA will honor a refund on resellable products only.
However please keep in mind, if you've been on it for more than 7 days and haven't noticed any benefits, you are NOT taking enough for your body's current health needs! And in that case need to increase your dosage until you notice benefits & stay at that dosage until your health issues/symtoms have cleared completely and then you can back down to maintence dosages.
Unopened - 12 months. Once opened, it is best consumed within 30 days.
RENU 28 is a clear, non-toxic gel that has the same Redox Signaling molecules as the liquid solution. This gel is used topically anywhere on the body and encourages and supports the natural strength, resiliency & healing of your skin (wrinkles, psoriasis, eczema, cellulite, wounds, sores, cuts, rashes, acne etc). It’s a simple, non-toxic and natural approach to true skin health on a cellular level. These molecules, just like for the cells within our bodies, are key to the health of our skin. There is no other skincare product in the world that contains these molecules and addresses skin health in this unique and natural way.
* Advanced Renu is a more potent, concentrated version of Renu 28
Clinical trials resulted in decreased eye wrinkle depth, the improvement in overall wrinkles and facial skin texture, and an increase in the smoothness, elasticity of the skin and moisture of the skin! The Advanced is the more potent form of Renu 28.
Yes it sure is! Meaning it will not clog pores
RENU 28 is proven safe and effective however if you have any concerns I recommend expecting or nursing Mom’s to speak with a Naturopathic Physician
You can apply RENU 28 as often as desired; we recommend that RENU 28 be applied at least twice daily! (I use it twice a day for my facial skin health and for any specific concern or wound/ cut etc I use it up to 6 times a day)
Absolutely! There should be no impact on efficacy. We recommend you use RENU 28 BEFORE any other lotions, moisturizers, muscle balms or cosmetics so that the molecules can be absorbed into your skin. The molecules cannot penetrate through oils or lotions which is why it's imperative it's the first thing on your skin after cleansing!
Yes, RENU 28 is appropriate for all skin types because it contains RM which are a key component to cellular health in every single person! It is not a type-specific skincare product but rather a general skin-health product that you can use in addition to your favorite products.
* If you find Renu 28 makes your face feel dry than I would suggest the ASEA in a spray bottle method, spray all over your face after cleansing, let dry and then start your skincare regimen as normal.
Sodium Magnesium Fluorosilicate is a clay that is used as an emulsifier in RENU 28 for both its safety and its ability to emulsify and not de-stabilize the Redox molecules in RENU 28. The benefits of Sodium Magnesium Fluorosilicate are many and include: non-toxic, non-yellowing, excellent consistency, does not support microbial growth and appears as an ultra-clear gel. It has been tested by renowned dermatological research institute, Dermatest, and found to be completely safe and effective in human clinical trials. There has been some confusion between the Sodium Magnesium Fluorosilicate used in RENU 28 and Sodium Fluorosilicate. Sodium Fluorosilicate is a completely different ingredient that is in pesticides. These are unrelated substances with completely different chemical structures, so users of RENU 28 should rest easy knowing that RENU 28 contains no toxic chemicals or ingredients that would damage their skin or their health.
Absolutely the same way you would by using the link I provided to create an account and purchase, choose your country from the drop-down list when you create your account.
ASEA is currently available in these 26 countries :
(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23829164
(2) https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/cell
(3) http://www.infertilityworkshop.com/articles/general/healthyc.htm
(4) aseaglobal.com
(5) http://bscb.org/learning-resources/softcell-e-learning/why-cell-biology-is-so-important/
(7) http://www.chiropractorsnsw.asn.au/why-is-a-healthy-spine-important
(8) Youth Health Endurance: What Scientists Know and You Should Too by David Prejean, Lorinda Snyder
http://www.cellbiology.yale.edu/about/humanhealth.aspx (quote at beginning)
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HH Collective Wellness is a virtual platform of Independent Healers/Practitioners and their services & offerings. HH Collective Wellness is NOT a medical practice and our Team are not Medical Doctors. The services, suggestions, & opinions shared by HH Collective's Practitioners & Healers are based solely on their education and experiences helping people through their innate & learned craft(s). Their knowledge and experience has not been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other federal, state, local or private agency. HH Collective services are not intended to treat any medical or psychological conditions; nor claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
This website offers a variety of information and is solely for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have seen or heard in a session, product or read on this website. The use of any information provided on this web site is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by the Healers, Practitioners & Coaches associated with www.hhcollectivewellness.com are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship since nothing we offer are Medical Services or by Medical Doctors. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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