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Once you've booked an Initial Signature Fusion session for yourself, your child, or your pet, it is time for you to create your Priority List!
(I personally love this part, I've always found it very cathartic to make my lists and I know a lot of our clients do as well!)
So what is a Priority List?
A priotiy list is a list of topics you would like to work on/release/heal/let go of/change/improve etc.
It can be:
physical conditions/ailments/symptoms, traumas, beliefs, habits, issues in relationships, childhood traumas, heavy toxic emotions like grief & shame, emotional patterns like jealousy or anger, unhelpful subconscious programming from parents, society etc, phobias, fears, and so much more!
Skies the limit really so don't hold back!
Few important key points when creating your list, please read these before submitting your list to us:
*** During your session, Debbie can also energetically test through your list to see what your subconscious/highest self communicates as the most important thing to work on that day / session.
I recommend both approaches! Including what you think are your priorities to start with, and also let her test! Sometimes the things your subconscious/higher self sees as a priority, are things you may have put toward the bottom of your list.
Keep in mind that, once we begin doing deep healing work in the subconscious realm, we start to become even more aware of what other issues/problems/blockages arise that we also need to address. (make sure to write it down when you think of things so you don't forget them!)
Once you have completed this list, please e-mail it to me at least 48 hours PRIOR to your session to:
support@hhcollectivewellness.com with the subject "Your name - Priority List"
If you'd like to add to your list AFTER your initial session/ over time, the same system applies, e-mail it to me 48 hours prior to your next session!
NOTE ** If you aren't sure what you should put on your list but you know you need help/healing/clearing/releasing etc, I (carina) offer Consultations which can also help with your list creation. I listen to your story/past/childhood/current issues/challenges, ask questions and "read between the lines" so to speak and "pull out" priorities that get to the root of your traumas/challenges etc.
These priority topic examples below are actual priorities from various clients over the years. I have mixed them up in such a way to keep anonymity & confidentiality.
As you will see in the lists below : there is ALL kinds of topics from physical ailments to emotional patterns, psychological challenges, traumas, negative traits, habits, emotions, reactions, fears & more.
IMPORTANT: If you want to work on "weight loss" or "abundance/money" please read the below excerpt below so you can decide on how you'd like Debbie to proceed regarding these topics. Keep in mind we also have our monthly group-sessions for Weight Loss & Abundance so definitely consider partaking in those so you can keep your 1:1 sessions for everything else on your list.
Written by Debbie:
"Weight is entirely too broad to do as one intention. And it is rarely metabolism or other issues that people think it is. This is an extremely complex issue. Debbie has previously done a body group to address this. There are 108 things on the list she addresses as to why people don't lose weight. Debbie will test that list from the body group for which items are priorities for you. But you need to decide (and put on your list) how much of your session you want to devote to this - you can decide in minutes (e.g., 15 or 30 minutes) or by number (e.g. I want to do the top 5 items that show up).
The same is true for Money/abundance. It is too broad to do as one intention. And it is rarely related to the reasons people suspect that it is. This is another complex issue. Debbie does occasional 6 month abundance groups to address this. There are 86 things on the list she addresses as to why people have financial issues.Again, please decide how much of your session you want to devote to this - you can decide in minutes (e.g., 15 or 30 minutes) or by number (e.g. I want to do the top 5 items that show up)."
(a lot of these can apply for children/teens too!)
Example topics for toddlers/children/teens:
Example topics for Pets: (dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits etc)
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HH Collective Wellness is a virtual platform of Independent Healers/Practitioners and their services & offerings. HH Collective Wellness is NOT a medical practice and our Team are not Medical Doctors. The services, suggestions, & opinions shared by HH Collective's Practitioners & Healers are based solely on their education and experiences helping people through their innate & learned craft(s). Their knowledge and experience has not been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other federal, state, local or private agency. HH Collective services are not intended to treat any medical or psychological conditions; nor claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
This website offers a variety of information and is solely for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have seen or heard in a session, product or read on this website. The use of any information provided on this web site is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by the Healers, Practitioners & Coaches associated with www.hhcollectivewellness.com are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship since nothing we offer are Medical Services or by Medical Doctors. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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