PRIORITY LIST Information & Instructions

for Debbie's Energetic Fusion Sessions

Adults - Children - Pets


Once you've booked an Initial Signature Fusion session for yourself, your child, or your pet, it is time for you to create your Priority List!

(I personally love this part, I've always found it very cathartic to make my lists and I know a lot of our clients do as well!)

So what is a Priority List?

A priotiy list is a list of topics you would like to work on/release/heal/let go of/change/improve etc. 

It can be:

physical conditions/ailments/symptoms, traumas, beliefs, habits, issues in relationships, childhood traumas, heavy toxic emotions like grief & shame, emotional patterns like jealousy or anger, unhelpful subconscious programming from parents, society etc, phobias, fears, and so much more!

Skies the limit really so don't hold back!

Few important key points when creating your list, please read these before submitting your list to us:

  • Please have at LEAST 12-15 topics (for pets, there is no minimum necessary but having at least 5 is optimal) on your Initial list before you submit it to us because there is no way to know how many you will get through in your Initial Session and we want you to take full advantage of the hour session
  • Please put them into bulleted, short sentence form, NOT paragraph form (see examples below in next section)
  • It can be something general like "depression" or "procrastination" or "chronic pain" or "migraines"
  • And it can also be something specific like "clear/release/heal any damage from growing up with a narcissistic mother" or "clear/release/heal all damage & trauma from being r*ped at age 17" or "clear/remove/heal whatever is causing my severe pain in my right shoulder."
  • It can also be something that isn't "super deep" for example "break my nail-biting habit" or "remove/clear my fear of spiders"
  • You can also specify down to the individual instances that are "intrusive" memories from said traumas. For example if there is a specific instance of trauma with an abusive ex-partner that sticks out very strongly in your mind/memory, you can use specifics and have both the general "heal/release all damage/ trauma from my abusive relationship with _____" and the precise example such as "heal/release all damage/trauma from my ex cheating on me with _____."
  • I personally like to cover both general & specific topics to make sure I'm covering a topic from all angles
  • Be sure to put it in PRIORITY order what you'd like to work on FIRST, and then as you move through your sessions/healing you'll move down the list! This is also so Debbie can keep track of what you work on during each session and how you're progressing.
  • Don't feel pressured to think of every last thing you'd like to work on upfront/at once! You are absolutely able to add to this list once you've begun having sessions. However this minimum list of 12 things will create a baseline of where you'll be starting.

*** During your session, Debbie can also energetically test through your list to see what your subconscious/highest self communicates as the most important thing to work on that day / session.

I recommend both approaches! Including what you think are your priorities to start with, and also let her test! Sometimes the things your subconscious/higher self sees as a priority, are things you may have put toward the bottom of your list.

Keep in mind that, once we begin doing deep healing work in the subconscious realm, we start to become even more aware of what other issues/problems/blockages arise that we also need to address. (make sure to write it down when you think of things so you don't forget them!)


Once you have completed this list, please e-mail it to me at least 48 hours PRIOR to your session to: with the subject "Your name - Priority List" 

If you'd like to add to your list AFTER your initial session/ over time, the same system applies, e-mail it to me 48 hours prior to your next session!

NOTE ** If you aren't sure what you should put on your list but you know you need help/healing/clearing/releasing etc, I (carina) offer Consultations which can also help with your list creation. I listen to your story/past/childhood/current issues/challenges, ask questions and "read between the lines" so to speak and "pull out" priorities that get to the root of your traumas/challenges etc.


These priority topic examples below are actual priorities from various clients over the years. I have mixed them up in such a way to keep anonymity & confidentiality.

As you will see in the lists below : there is ALL kinds of topics from physical ailments to emotional patterns, psychological challenges, traumas, negative traits, habits, emotions, reactions, fears & more.

IMPORTANT: If you want to work on "weight loss" or "abundance/money" please read the below excerpt below so you can decide on how you'd like Debbie to proceed regarding these topics. Keep in mind we also have our monthly group-sessions for Weight Loss & Abundance so definitely consider partaking in those so you can keep your 1:1 sessions for everything else on your list.

Written by Debbie:

"Weight is entirely too broad to do as one intention. And it is rarely metabolism or other issues that people think it is. This is an extremely complex issue. Debbie has previously done a body group to address this. There are 108 things on the list she addresses as to why people don't lose weight. Debbie will test that list from the body group for which items are priorities for you. But you need to decide (and put on your list) how much of your session you want to devote to this - you can decide in minutes (e.g., 15 or 30 minutes) or by number (e.g. I want to do the top 5 items that show up). 

The same is true for Money/abundance. It is too broad to do as one intention. And it is rarely related to the reasons people suspect that it is. This is another complex issue. Debbie does occasional 6 month abundance groups to address this. There are 86 things on the list she addresses as to why people have financial issues.Again, please decide how much of your session you want to devote to this - you can decide in minutes (e.g., 15 or 30 minutes) or by number (e.g. I want to do the top 5 items that show up)." 


(a lot of these can apply for children/teens too!) 

  • General Anxiety
  • Health anxiety
  • Endometriosis / painful periods / heavy periods
  • General lack of Self worth / lack of self-esteem
  • Clear/remove the deep need for approval and external validation 
  • Hashimotos/ hypothyroidism/ thyroid issues
  • Need for Perfectionism
  • Clear and remove any lasting damage from X medication/antibiotics that I took and have not been the same since
  • Release/remove/clear any Sxual trauma in general
  • Chronic constipation
  • Fear / anxiety around giving birth without an epidural
  • Clear/remove anything blocking me from having a healthy, full-term pregnancy
  • Chronic sinusitis/waking up in terrible sinus pain every day
  • Depression
  • Clear trauma from emotional abuse and abusive relationships especially with men and narcissists
  • Fertility related issues and fears
  • Self-sabotaging habits/actions that I know don't serve me but I can't break free from
  • Codependency with my children
  • Shoulder pain
  • Fear of flying
  • Clear/remove all trauma from my previous miscarriages and instill the belief that I can and will have a healthy full term pregnancy
  • Remove/clear the pattern of restricting food and then overeating
  • Inability to relax into parasympathetic properly
  • Recurrent & frequent Migraines
  • Paranoia of being home alone at night, double checking doors/locks/closets etc
  • Remove/clear any fear/anxiety of having another traumatic birth
  • Codependency in general with others
  • Clear any and all damage from my childhood growing up with a narcissistic mother
  • Co-dependent on my partnership, lack of self-identity
  • Chronic sinus/sinusitis issues/pressure/pain
  • Clear any and all damage and patterns that stem from growing up without a father
  • Remove/release all reasons I am emotionally unavailable to myself or my partner
  • Remove/release my need for distractions & a hectic chaotic life to feel "normal"
  • Clear my negative habit to use unhealthy coping mechanisms like food & alcohol
  • Inability to do anything or go anywhere alone 
  • Heart palpitations, pain in my chest wall/clavicle area
  • Clear symptoms related to connective tissue disorders or joint instability or possible Ehlers Danlos
  • Reactivity and anger with my wife often
  • Clear/release/heal any damage from growing up and continuing relationship with my mother who has borderline personality disorder
  • Belief that I am unworthy of a healthy, loving relationship
  • Release /remove my insecurities that always make me feel inferior to other women
  • Fear of settling for a partnership out of the fear of being alone/getting old
  • Fear of Confrontation
  • Clear any trauma from being bullied and misunderstood by kids I went to school with during my early years
  • Fear of speaking my truth in fear of their response
  • Over-attachment /emotional addiction to my children 
  • Release/let go of and heal all Guilt/shame from choices I made in survival mode
  • Nightmares/night terrors since I was a child 
  • Inability to speak my full truth & emotions in fear of xyz
  • Constant need to plan / over-plan, I never can just go with the flow
  • Release/remove/heal the reasons why I'm allowing myself to stay in a toxic/abusive/unhealthy relationship/marriage
  • Inability to take criticism without feeling attacked or getting defensive
  • remove/Clear blocks/confusion to knowing what I need and want
  • Remove/clear my inability to ask for what I want/need
  • Paranoia / access worrying about my loved ones/pets 
  • Let go of the resentment I have towards my husband for x y and z
  • Let go/clear/remove resentment towards my kids for feeling trapped/stuck and unfulfilled as a stay at home mom
  • Trigeminal neuralgia / nerve pain
  • Clear anything related to mast cell activation syndrome or allergic reactions 
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Release/remove/clear any sexual trauma from being r*ped at 21
  • Mommy issues / resentful of mom not protecting me when I was growing up

  • Remove/release whatever causes my left ear to always feel clogged, like it needs to be popped
  • Remove/clear/release overthinking/over analysis and ways it holds me back 
  • Remove/release the belief that I’m not worthy of love
  • Marriage issues between my husband and I that started after our daughter was born
  • Remove/release/clear the belief that a man I date will always choose another woman over me in the end
  • Release/remove any damage from the severe bullying I went through in high school
  • Excess sebum on face/back and enlarged pores in “T-zone” on my face 
  • Disrespecting self for male attention 
  • Chronic vaginal yeast infections
  • Inability to go anywhere or do things alone without my partner, mom, friend etc
  • Remove/release all wounds/insecurities/trauma & patterns causing me to have an anxious attachment style
  • Remove/release all wounds/insecurities/trauma & patterns causing me to have an avoidant attachment style
  • Being able to forgive myself for all the decisions that make me ashamed /shameful 
  • Body dysmorphia / hate my body / body image 
  • Clear whatever is holding me back from stepping fully into my power 
  • Codependency & anxious attachment 
  • Over-attachment emotionally to my romantic partner
  • Fear of judgement & ridicule if I put myself out there and allow myself to be fully seen 
  • Clear any trauma/damage/remnants created by and from my past toxic & abusive relationship with ____ (name)
  • Harmonize me to my mother in law & in laws in general
  • Release/remove narcissistic traits that I know aren't healthy for my relationships
  • Lack of focus & organization 
  • Never feeling enough (good, pretty, skinny, intelligent etc), not prized, always feel theres another woman who's better than me 
  • Grief from loosing my grandpa 
  • Impostor syndrome
  • Release/remove my tendency to be jealous by someone I love showing someone else affection
  • Remove constant thoughts that other people are out to get me, constant worrying and paranoia
  •  Procrastination & the inability to finish what I start
  • Fear of failure
  • chronic pain in my left shoulder
  • Limiting beliefs about money / income / finances 
  • Hesitancy with speaking my needs/stepping into my power
  • Chronic Anal fissures 
  • Extreme sensitivity to mold
  • People pleasing & the desperate need to be liked
  • Remove/clear/release the need to be in control / over controlling 
  • Fragile ego / release the need to be right 
  • Daddy issues / the way I've become submissive to men & give them power over me
  • Release/remove what causes me to be manipulative & controlling toward my partner
  • Remove/release/heal any damage from being raised by a mother who looked at me as her competition
  • Fear of future
  • Clear/remove trauma and fear from the traumatic birth I had with my daughter, I'd like to feel calm and at ease for this next birth
  • Damage & patterns caused by my mother and father showing conditional love only and making me feel like I have to be perfect or who they need, for me to be loved
  • Hatred and a lot of Resentment towards my father for abandoning my mom & us
  • Acne / cystic acne
  • Clear/remove any beliefs and fear that I won't be able to give birth naturally. I have this belief that I'm not capable of being strong enough to do it without en epidural
  • Blocked creativity / feel stuck creatively

Example topics for toddlers/children/teens:

  • Eczema 
  • Poor sleep
  • Can’t stay asleep/ sleep through the night
  • Wetting the bed at night
  • Night terrors
  • Acne
  • Balance hormones
  • Depression
  • clear any belief systems and narratives that are unhelpful for her well-being
  • Severe anxiety in general
  • Anxiety regarding going back to school
  • Internalize feelings/ feelings feel to overwhelming 
  • Cold hands and feet
  • insecurity, deep need for approval of peers so much so that she doesn't act like herself
  • Lots of sadness because her eczema feels to much at times
  • Help her feel more confident in herself 
  • Clear any damage/trauma she’s picked up from our divorce
  • Clear any trauma from being bullied
  • Clear whatever father wounds are causing her to disrespect herself/body for attention from boys
  • Clear/heal tendon Injury from football
  • anger/rage
  • tendency to avoid/shut down
  • feeling isolated and awkward about going through puberty

Example topics for Pets: (dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits etc)

  • Other dog aggression
  • food aggresion
  • chronic allergies
  • recurrent ear infections
  • fear of strangers
  • hypervigilence of me when anyone approaches us
  • pees on sofa/bedding
  • chronic digestion issues
  • fear of thunder storms / fire works
  • Stress/anxiety
  • recurrent urinary tract infections
  • anxious attachment / separation anxiety when we leave or have to bring her somewhere
  • tendency to nip/growl
  • fear of the vet
  • trauma from surgery
  • fear of nail trimming / trauma from nail trimmings
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