Glenda's *Signature* DEEP HOUSE & LAND CLEARING

Benefiting : adults, children, pets, entire families, home owners trying to sell, prospective home buyers & more


Just like human's are affected by a lot of things that have happened to us throughout our life (trauma, experiences etc) ; land, structures & houses are affected by events that have occurred there as well.

The truth is, most of us have no idea what occured on the land or in a home prior to us living there. (or if it's a business, prior to us having a business there).

Things like violence, death, sickness, mental illness, addiction, and black magic all leave "residue" and imprints on the land and in any dwellings where those events occurred.

Even if those events occurred 5, 10, 20 or even 200 years prior to us living somewhere, the residue left behind can create anywhere from mild to severe unpleasant realities for those now living in (or working in) and around it.

These imprints can also affect any and all relationships that exist within the home, as well as can affect the actual home itself, such as having things constantly breaking or "going wrong."

Believe it or not, these past events & the imprints left behind can even cause a home to not be "sellable."

Those whom are especially sensitive to such energy will always be uncomfortable and unable to have peace.


Below are some scenarios and tell-tale signs when a Deep House & Land Clearing may be necessary


  • One or multiple occupants of the home are experiencing symptoms such as: frequent nightmares, never feel fully rested, general poor health, not being able to get solid sleep or have frequent insomnia, feel "heavy" or "off" more so than not
  • Your home in general may feel "dark," heavy, or the energy just feels off
  • If you're experiencing "house related issues" such as plumbing leaks, pipes bursting, AC or electrical issues, or when there seems to be one problem after another
  • If you're experiencing eerie/odd occurrences such that could point to paranormal /spiritual activity
  • There is a lot of suffering & turmoil/chaos/fighting/disharmony in the home between occupants and or these things have dramatically increased
  • Children are scared to go into certain areas of the house or be alone in certain areas / fear to sleep in their own rooms
  • Children/toddlers wake up screaming in middle of night
  • Children mention "monsters" in their closet/under bed or "imaginary" friends they have / talk to
  • Pets are acting strange, staring into specific spots like ceiling corners, down stairwells, at attic doors etc, or dogs staring and barking (or cats staring and meowing) at "what you can't see"
  • Someone in the home struggles with alcoholism or other substance addictions
  • You are renovating your home (renovations stir up a lot of energy & spiritual beings that may have been previously dormant)


  • You are about to move into a new home OR just moved into a new home
  • Before listing your home on the market
  • After buying land before you begin building on it
  • Your house is listed for sale but it doesn't seem to 1. get enough interest or 2. gets interest but no one makes an offer or 3. lots of offers but non-have worked out


Glenda uses her multiple gifts and connects with the land and any structures on it to see where it needs to be cleared. She looks for any absorbed trauma, curses, hexes, entities, negative energy, as well as any dead souls who have not crossed over. Glenda takes care of all that before clearing any associated karma, old contracts, and claims to the land or home.

Glenda also look for objects that may have an attachment to them and remove them.

Once all the negative elements have been removed, she makes sure no portals (spiritual doorways) are open and all natural energy centers (vortexes) are spinning the correct direction.

From there the land is then blessed and sealed against any further negative energy.

All structure/house clearings include land clearings.


  • New sense of peace within one's home
  • Better Sleep for all in the home
  • Feeling safer/more at ease in your own home
  • Potential for a child to no longer afraid of certain rooms/the dark/their closet etc
  • Reduced frequency & intensity of nightmares for all in the home
  • Increased energy
  • Adults no longer feel "creeped out" to go into their basements or attics
  • Children feel safer in their homes & no longer need their parents to check their closets/under bed/etc
  • Pets have less anxiety/stress
  • More harmony in relationships
  • Improvements in poor health especially if it is being caused by negative energy found within the home
  • Feeling more rested upon waking
  • Can stop things from breaking randomly in the home especially if the frequent issues are related to demonic energy
  • House finally sold after being on the market / unsellable


IMPORTANT: Turn around time begins once we receive your information/e-mail. Once you purchae your home/land clearing please follow these instructions.

Once you've purchased this House/Land clearing please e-mail the following information to:

Subject line: House/land clearing with glenda - your name - order #

  • Address of home

  • Names of current occupants and their photos (this includes adults, kids & pets)
  • (If it's an empty house that you're selling, skip this part, just include your name & photo) (If it's a home you just bought but no one lives in yet, we just need your name & photo)

  • Photos of the exterior:
  • yard/land
  • exterior of home from different angles

  • Photos of Interior of the home:
  • kitchen
  • living rooms
  • bedrooms
  • bathrooms
  • hallways
  • basements
  • attics (if you can't get into the attic, a photo of the attic door/area is fine)

Do the best you can. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Also, if your worried or embarrassed that your home is "messy," please don't let that deter you!  We are here to help, not judge!

* You can also upload all the photos and information onto a word document/PDF and attach it to your e-mail.

To make the process as smooth as possible, please include everything in ONE e-mail!

Thank you!

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