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8/8/8 Group Healing Description
Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of fine white filaments that connect networks of trees and living structures at the roots. It plays a crucial role in decomposing organic matter and absorbing nutrients from the environment. We want to become the mycelium of the planet, that holds everyone together, releasing all separation from one another.
8/8/2024 is a triple 8 because 2+0+2+4=8 so we have 8/8/8 and we are doing this at 8:00 p.m. Eastern on 8/8. August 8th, in the sign of Leo, is always known as Lionsgate, when the star Sirius is again visible, and its energies are in direct alignment with the earth. The 888 combination represents the Cosmic Level of Mastery!
This is a free event and a benefit for the Global Grandmothers Council Network, whose goal is returning indigenous wisdom and ceremony to the planet. I will be honored if you would donate directly to their gofundme, at https://www.gofundme.com/f/global-grandmothers-council-network But if you cannot, please just join us and contribute your energy. Be a beautiful light in this network of souls.
Topics for the session will be for
· The energies of 8, which are Balance, Success, Leadership and Protection.
· For Cosmic Levels of Mastery
· Becoming the mycelium - weaving together the network to reignite community.
· Releasing or ending all timelines of division, including division within yourself.
· Weaving the threads and fibers of all hearts together with love and light.
Ends with a special Lionsgate Meditation.
The following is written by Debbie:
Please join us for this free Healing session to support the Global Grandmothers Council, as we move closer toward the launch of the website. This has been the goal of the fundraising, and about 50% of the funds have been raised. While I do not charge for these sessions, I do ask that you donate what you are able, directly to this project with the GoFundMe Link below.
From the Grandmothers:
“The Seeds are now surrounded with the weaving of the Grandmothers’ Wisdom, declared and written in words, infused with their Values to be planted in Nature. This Seed - for a network of local Councils - will produce a massive crop of Wisdom with which to feed the world.”
I want to be clear – this will be of value to you – you are not simply supporting this cause. No matter what the intention is that we are working on, whatever comes up is related to you. So working on completion also covers anything you are trying to complete. And even if the intention has nothing to do with your life, the things that come up WILL – for example, if ‘habitual thoughts’ or ‘negative thought forms’ come up, your own habitual thoughts or negative thought forms are addressed. So this is a session that benefits YOU, that I am offering for free, in hopes that you will donate to these indigenous grandmothers.
9 is a number of completion.
Single digit relates to the individual cycle and the double digit relates to the collective level ~ Collective Completion.
We will clear anything that stands in the way of the completion of the Grandmothers’ network. We will honor all of their gifts and all they have to offer.
Beyond this, we will circle back around to anything from the 7/7 and 8/8 sessions that still needs more clearing, such as
Each session is approx 60-70 minutes in length.
For the session you will want to be in a comfortable place (sitting or laying on a bed/sofa etc) and if possible, please use headphones as this will help you stay more present and not as easily distracted.
Put your phone on Do Not Disturb / silenced etc so you can stay in a meditative space for the 65 minute session and not be disturbed.
Please do NOT take notes during the clearing/healing, as taking notes takes you OUT of your subconscious state and we want you to stay in the subconscious state once she guides us into it in the beginning.
Reminder: If you fall asleep, do NOT worry, your subconscious is getting everything.
We recommend only doing each session once.
Enjoy! <3
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