Astrology & Astrocartography w/ Arwa

Custom natal chart readings for life, planning ahead, career & wealth

Welcome to all things Astrology with Arwa!

I could not be more excited to collaborate with Arwa to bring you a trusted source in one of my biggest passions; Astrology!

Astrology has been a huge passion of mine for well over a decade and one of my missions within Astrology is to dispel the "pop astrology" myths and misinformation, and teach others that true Astrology is very complex and nuanced as it's the mathematical algorithms of the cosmos.

I have been envisioning collaborating with an Astrologer since early 2020 and it has been written on my vision board ever since. I am a huge believer in "timing" and to never force things so I knew that the universe would bring me what I was seeking when the stars would align for me to meet the right person for this collaboration.

On my own path to gaining clarity of my business & life purpose, I discovered the side of astrology of learning and utilizing your natal chart to help you with your business & career.  From understanding your purpose, your weaknesses and strengths, to understanding what your short comings may be, as well as learning how to utilize your innate gifts to truly create a soul-aligned business, astrology has blown my mind with all it has shown me.

This recent interest and discovery of using astrology for one's career/business led me straight to Arwa's front door; and the rest was history.

I can't wait for you to benefit from her work like I have!

Xo Carina

"The Signs of the Zodiac are Karmic Patterns; the Planets are the Looms;  the Will is the Weaver."

- Edgar Cayce


The cosmos is here to support you, guide you and inspire you & your life & soul's evolution here on earth.

Think of your natal chart as a beautiful gift from the cosmos that you can utilize to help you and show you things like:

  • Your souls purpose and life purpose
  • Spiritual lessons and karmic patterns
  • Ideal career path(s)
  • Your strengths and weaknesses overall; and relating to love, business & friendships
  • The best ways to make money with your unique gifts, talents & strengths

Astrology is NOT designed to pigeon hole you or put you in a box. It is meant to assist you in understanding yourself in an incredibly deep way while helping you grow and expand into your destiny. Astrology when used correctly, can help you feel supported by the universe more than ever before.


Arwa is is passionate about understanding and exploring the depths of the human mind. She sees Astrology as the missing piece of self-discovery & healing that brings everything together.

Arwa's journey into specializing in Astrology began first with a background in psychology. She knew from a very young age that she wanted to help others and work with people. She set off on a mission to first learn to understand herself before needed to understand themselves before understanding others. Thus, Psychology became her clear choice. During her time at university, she pursued a career in academia.

To further her goal, she completed her Master’s degree fully believing that becoming an academic and researcher was her destined path. However, during her Master’s studies, she began to feel lost, realizing she needed more experience outside of academic education. The desire to step outside the academic environment grew stronger, and with it came a yearning to leave not only the university but also the UK. She wanted to escape, to move far away, to be alone, and to take time to discover herself.

This led to applying for a position as an English teacher in Asia. Soon after, she moved to Shanghai, China. The initial plan was to spend a year teaching English as a foreign language to children—a decision she thought was wild, given that she had never wanted to be a teacher. Yet, this turned out to be one of the best decisions she ever made. Arwa accounts becoming an ESL teacher and having the opportunity to travel the world has been a blessing. It provided her the freedom and time to pursue a wide range of interests and experiences. She studied nutrition, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda, reiki, and eventually landed on nurturing her natural talent and gift, understanding Astrology.

What once was a hobby, doing readings for fun, has now become a career to share with the world. 

Arwa's mission with Astrology is to help people use it to their greatest benefit.

As Arwa always says, your Natal Chart is a guide to help you in life, not a box to pigeon hole you into or limit you.

She believes Astrology to be the best Wholistic system out there as it explains every single part of who you are by examining your blueprint (birth chart) and its relationship with the cosmic objects in the sky.



Align Your Business with the Stars & Thrive in Your Unique Calling πŸš€

This Reading is Perfect for You If:

  • You’re starting a business & need clarity on your mission & ideal clients.
  • You have an existing business but feel disconnected or stuck.
  • You want to build a business that is aligned with your soul’s purpose.
  • You want to attract clients who resonate with your values.
  • You want to know how to leverage your natural talents & gifts in business.

And You believe in Astrology & you know deep down there’s a way to work smarter, not harder.'

Then you're at the right place 🎯

Discover how to infuse your business with your unique essence & create a brand that resonates deeply with your audience.

Whether you’re starting a business or growing an existing one, the SOULPRENEUR Reading helps you:

  • Gain clarity on what you’re here to do.
  • Learn how to turn your natural talents into a thriving business.
  • Know who you’re meant to serve & how to speak directly to them.
  • Align your branding & messaging with your astrological profile.
  • Get a personalized business blueprint, a guide to help you stay in alignment as your business grows.

You will get a detailed written guide (20-25 pages) - This will serve as your go-to business blueprint, highlighting your astrological strengths, challenges & the best way forward.

Your report will be emailed to you within 3 weeks.

YOUR YEAR AHEAD (2025 Solar Chart & Monthly Guide)

Imagine having a personal guide that not only reveals the key themes of your year ahead but also helps you plan your life with the natural rhythms of the stars.

This '2025 Guide & Monthly Planner' offers profound insights into your solar path, lunar cycles & key astrological events that will shape your life in the next 12 months.

Whether you want to hit your goals, navigate changes, or align with cosmic timing, this personalized reading will give you the clarity & focus you need to make this year your best yet.

So, What’s Included?

Your Year Ahead Guide: Using a blend of Numerology, your Solar Return chart & all the key transits, I’ll help you uncover the main focus of your upcoming birthday year. I will be looking at multiple timing techniques: solar arc, progressions, annual profection and zodiacal releasing.

I will then break it all down for you, month by month...

🌜Monthly Lunar Cycles & Returns

Get in sync with your Moon’s cycles month by month to

feel your best & work smarter, not harder

Your monthly Lunar Return is your Personal New Moon & it sets the tone for the emotional & intuitive focus of that month. I will tell you how to work with this energy:

What to focus on month by month, theme & actions to take

Tune into your emotional needs & goals

Gain clarity on your intuitive focus for each month

Know the best times for rest & action based on your natal chart


🌚 New Moon & Full Moon πŸŒ

Receive a personalized calendar of New Moons & Full Moons that shows exactly when & what to set intentions on & what to release, helping you take actions in alignment with your cosmic timing. Use personalized rituals for each New Moon & Full Moon to set intentions & release what no longer serves YOU.

πŸ’₯ Eclipse Dates & Impact on You πŸ’₯

Eclipses mark major turning points. I’ll break down the dates of the eclipses this year plus, if & how they will personally affect you.

πŸŒ€ All 2025 Retrogrades πŸŒ€

Mercury Retrograde is basic stuff! I’ll provide you with all retrograde dates for the year, for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus - & yes they are all going to be retrograde in 2025. You will know:

How retrogrades will personally impact your chart & life path

What to do (& avoid) during each retrograde

Key periods for review, rest, and renewal


πŸš€ Visibility Week for Soulpreneurs πŸš€

If you're an entrepreneur, knowing when to show up in the world is key.

I’ll identify your personal “Visibility days/Weeks”. You will know when exactly are the best dates for you to post & be seen & when it’s time to rest & recharge for optimal alignment.

Your report will be delivered to you by email within 4 week from ordering.

ASTROCARTOGRAPHY: Your Personal Compass


You can do all of the personal growth work and still not see the results you want because you’re simply living in a place that isn’t compatible with your energy!

Astrocartography is about discovering places in the world that are energetically supportive of the things we want to achieve VS where in the world we’re likely to face more challenges.

🌍 Who this is for?

This reading is Perfect for those looking to relocate or travel but unsure where to.

If you’re a digital Nomad, I highly recommend this.

But, even if you can’t travel right now or don’t plan to, I still recommend this because you can understand what’s needed from you at your current location, what opportunities you have there & how to make the most of what you have.

** If you’re on a difficult line or have a challenging natal aspect, I will tell you HOW to remedy that in the session.

🌎 What’s included?

Your reading will include place(s) that are best for you when it comes to finding love, community, cultivating wealth, better career opportunities, & where in the world you would feel at home vs where you're likely to experience more challenges.

What is Covered: 

1. Your best & most challenging line(s) based on your birth chart, planetary dignities & natal aspects

2. The planetary lines: what they activate for YOU

3. Relocated chart interpretation: for every city you requested

4. Your Timing: the best line(s) & most challenging line(s) for your current season based on your transits

5. Remote activation: How to tap into any city’s energy, if for whatever reason, you can not go there

This report will be around 20+ pages long and you will be able to refer back to it for YEARS to come!!

Trust me, this will be worth every penny! πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

Once you make your purchase, you will get a link to book your 45 mins Zoom session with me, currently open for November 2024. We will go through your report, locations based on your goals, locations you wanted me to compare & I will answer any questions you have.

Your report will be emailed to you right after our zoom session.


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