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Chakras are "energy centers" of our body. The word Chakra translates to wheel or disk in Sankrit. There are 11 major chakras (although mainstream media mostly narrows it down to 7), 21 minor chakras & many more secondary. The major align from the base of the spine up to the top/crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet taking in Fresh Prana (life force energy) and expelling stagnant/dirty energy, constantly balancing these ebb and flows of energy. However when these energy centers get congested or "blocked" they begin to cause all sorts of physical, mental & emotional imabalnces. So sometimes by simply restoring proper energy flow within the body & re-balancing these energy centers, many of those associated symptoms dissipate or disspear.
No, absolutley not. Pranic healing is an ANCIENT ancient method of healing that was revolutionized over 30 years by a bio-chemical Engineer named Master Choa Kok Sui from the Philippines. It is welcomed by and practiced on all types of people from all religions, faiths & beliefs.
This entirely depends on how congested, depleted or blocked your chakras were and how quickly your body's energy centers fall back into "old patterns" by recongesting/reblocking. If you are an empath, HSP (highly sensitive person) you most likely will need another session sooner than someone who isn't. This is because Empath's literally carry energy inside of them from other people. They act like a sponge picking up energy from all around them so it's much easier for their Chakra's to become unbalanced & re-congested. The key is to learn to notice when you start feeling certain things are "off" mentally, emotionally, physically that your Chakra's may be re-congesting or being pulled off balance. There are multiple things we can do in our daily life to re-balance and keep our Chakra's happy - (healing crystals, binaural beat sound thearpy, sound healing bowls etc) however sometimes those things don't work and the only thing that helps is a Pranic Session.
As long as the parent is present with the child and signs the consent form waiver, then yes, it is an incrdible gift for children and can help a lot with behavioral issues, self-esteem, overwelm & coping.
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HH Collective Wellness is a virtual platform of Independent Healers/Practitioners and their services & offerings. HH Collective Wellness is NOT a medical practice and our Team are not Medical Doctors. The services, suggestions, & opinions shared by HH Collective's Practitioners & Healers are based solely on their education and experiences helping people through their innate & learned craft(s). Their knowledge and experience has not been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other federal, state, local or private agency. HH Collective services are not intended to treat any medical or psychological conditions; nor claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
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