for adults, children & pets

Sphere Reset is an energetic technique made up of several tools combined with each other that are based on Qi Gong, Acupuncture, BioQuantum Pair, Systemic Work, Electromagnetism and Kinesiology.

Sphere takes its name from the global vision of being, from all possible levels of action. 

Reset is the cleaning of all the contamination that we have been accumulating in all the layers of our spheres.

The confusing thing is to look for a single cause of pain or suffering so this looks at a more global integral approach

Sphere Reset evolution phases.

Although these steps occur at all levels, there are four main stages in the practice that everyone will take at their own rhythm:

  1. Detox
  2. Spirit Reconnection
  3. Power Recovery
  4. Magic


Sphere Reset evolution phases

Although these steps are taken at all levels, there are four main stages in the practice that each one will take at their own pace:

Detox Sequence

Detox Sequence

Body Detoxification is the foundation on which all Sphere Reset work rests. The body has its own rhythms and in each case it is the person’s own brain that will establish detoxification priorities.

In each person it happens in a particular way, although there are certain common steps in which we can observe the process of how we are evolving. It must be remembered that these steps are not linear, that is, many of the toxins can reappear in layers that, due to their depth or because they are connected with other non-physical contamination types, do not appear until the Being structure opens that layer possibility through previous cleaning.

It is literally impossible to know the temporal evolution of each case because we can only test the movements that we are making with the resets. Because the contamination we have does not allow us to estimate the remaining layers temporality. So we can only rely on testing what that we eliminate in each session.

When we reach the Physiological Purification phase, it is where, being toxicity free, the body can give us real information about the time it will take for each cleanse. The way we are going to observe all detoxifications is through feces, urine, sweat/skin and lungs with phlegm; In the case of women, they can also purify through menstruation, accelerating the blood cleaning process.


The priority pathogens to be eliminated are those that most affect the body’s immunology, so it is essential to eliminate them first, they are the ones that spread the fastest and others that serve as a universal symbiont, that is, they can be associated with any another microbe and spread its infection throughout the body. The other pathogens will be swept along with them, until all infections are eradicated from the body. The objective is to clean the entire lymphatic system of microbes, although it will not be completely clean until the remains of crystallized Lactic Acid in its vessels are eliminated.



There are 4 toxins that are a priority to be cleaned: ACETONE, FLUORINE, MICROPLASTICS AND LACTIC ACID. Next, in order of importance, the body will eliminate HEAVY METALS, and then move to another range of lower toxicity when it begins to release substances such as CORTISOL, SODIUM BENZOATE E-211, DISTEARYL TIODIPROPIONATE E-390, PARABENS, BISPHENOL -A, PHOSPHATES (pesticides) and agrochemical fertilizers (NITROGEN OXIDE).



Now it is the turn to eliminate external contaminants that the body does recognize within its cleaning system and that do not need of the help of infusions. At this moment you can test the detoxification duration and the contaminated areas, you can also test how long this detox will last globally before moving on to next internal origin eliminating toxicity phase.


After eradicating all the toxins with which we have been poisoned externally, the body will begin to eliminate the internal contamination that has been caused by the toxins that we have removed. This purification will be carried out automatically, the body will not need help from resets or plants to eliminate toxins. The order established is the following:

4.1 TISSUES: The body will clean all layers from the skin, fascia, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bones.

4.2 ORGANS: the cleaning order begins with the lungs: toxins will come out in the form of phlegm. The next to be purified will be the liver, which dumps its toxicity into the digestive system. Then it will be the spleen that also uses the digestive cloaca. The fourth organ that will be cleaned will be the pancreas, which will dump excess toxins into the digestive system and others will be eliminated through urine (bilirubin) and may stain it orange. Finally, it will be the kidneys that will purify excesses and leftovers through the digestive and urinary routes. The heart does not produce any toxins so it does not need this extra review. Previously test the organs that remain to be cleaned, they do not have to be all of them and also test the days it will take to do so. In this way you can make a diary of what is left and better understand the movements that will occur in the body during this phase.

4.3 ENTRIES: after tissues and organs, the turn of the entries begins with the gallbladder cleaning ; the small intestine follows; then the stomach; then it’s the large intestine‘s turn; and finally the bladder will be purified. It is necessary to test which ones are going to be purified, since, sometimes, there are areas that are already clean and the cleaning will jump to another place.




4.7 FAT



Although before all this the body has already been repairing the cleaned areas, after the total cleaning it will be in charge of repairing everything that was not possible to repair.


After fixing everything that was damaged, the body will begin the regenerating process all those cell groups that have been corrupted. To promote any new cellular structure growth, the body uses cadmium and strontium molecules that we can find in infusions of lime, sage and peppermint (all three can be taken together) or in these foods: celery, watermelon, potatoes, mollusks, artichoke, aubergine, figs, kiwi, hake, red cabbage and cassava. Another area that will be regenerated is the white and gray matter of the brain [The main function of the white matter is the correct transmission of brain information. This substance has a great implication in allowing humans to transfer the electrochemical pulses emitted by the brain to the rest of the body. White matter is found in the deepest tissues of the brain (subcortical), containing nerve fibers (axons), which are nerve cells extensions (neurons). It also protects nerve fibers from injury] and gray matter [contains most of the brain’s neuronal cell bodies: this is found in brain regions involved in muscle control and sensory perception, such as sight and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making and self-control. People with more gray matter can do more complex moral reasoning. People with a greater capacity for moral reasoning also have more gray matter in the brain.] Foods to regenerate both brain and nervous matter are those that contain beta-carotene such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peppers, apricots, melon, papaya, mango, carambola, nectarine and peach, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, dandelions, chard or broccoli.


When the body has completed the previous phases, it can enter on a physiological processes improving stage that were it was practically impossible to awaken in a dormant process and that under the pollution to which they were subjected. This improvement will occur in three phases:

7.1 NERVOUS SYSTEM: reestablishes a global electromagnetic field through the union of all the force fields of the body that will allow us to develop 7 new functions:


7.1.2 PROJECTION FUNCTION: being able to project our physical, emotional or mental movements from the entire body to create an electromagnetic wave that expands through space and connects faster with those possibilities that we call through projection.

7.1.3 CLEANING FUNCTION: This common field makes it possible to eliminate all harmful electromagnetic forces before they impact or negatively influence us.


7.1.5 COMMUNICATION FUNCTION: establishes through waves a form of communication combined with the telepathic and projection functions.

7.1.6 BRIDGE FUNCTION: this electromagnetic field generates a base of connection between the physical body and the bodies of love, light, dream, spirit and holographic.

7.1.7 SEXUAL FUNCTION: enables total fusion between lovers during sexual encounters.

7.2 BRAIN: the brain functioning global composition is restored with all its parts connected to each other, completely increasing all its capabilities. One of the extraordinary functions resulting from this global functioning is the potential for total perception, that is, the brain can process physical, emotional, mental, quantum information and that from your spirit simultaneously, which will result in a new state, never perceived before knowledge.

7.3 DNA: after recovering the previous phases, finally, DNA potentiality will be recovered and of all the functions that we have activated and without the recovered constants, it would be impossible to restore.

Spirit Reconnection

Spirit reconnection

In the entire existence of every human being there are unanswered unknowns, that everyone asks: Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my purpose in life? It is crucial to get rid of all the external garbage piled on top of the only thing that can answer these unknowns: your spirit.

This phase of the practice occurs along with the others after decontaminating the spheres from their accumulated pollution. The spirit has been displaced, contaminated, corrupted, nullified, disconnected and reviled in our existence. It is crucial to be able to reconnect it with all spheres in order to feel full in our lives and channel our essence as unique beings. Without the guidance of our spirit we are lost, we feel aimless, without purpose, unable to dream or carry out our dreams.

As we open space between the spheres, we glimpse the space necessary for our spirit to expand and see the greatness of who we are. It is only through these eyes that we can free ourselves from the vision of the calamity that pursues us and that does not honor the true power that hides behind these curtains of dust. Reconnecting with your spirit entails not only resetting this dirt that prevents it, but also activating what has been dormant for a long time and that needs to function again.

We have observed how the spherical system connects us like a network to everything and everyone. This connection has always been used to keep us tied to suffering, pain, illness and foolishness. Now with the clean structure we have much greater power and capabilities and without interference. These new conditions help us use this network to our advantage and for the benefit of everyone we connect to and who stay honestly connected to themselves and life. The experience of living in harmony and connection with life will be transformed into very clear sensations in our body and spirit, something increasingly familiar although still new in our human existence. I invite you to observe and live it from silence, without mind, mushotoku, open and innocent, like children eager to play, learn and learn by playing.

Power Recovery

Recovering Power

Before diving into this work, we need to be clear about the healthy concept of “power”, clean the word of the constructs, ideas and uses that have been made in its name to subjugate others and not as a form of growth or self-knowledge.

Therefore, as with money, power has throughout history only been in the hands of a few, used in erroneous ways through tactics and strategies that have distorted it. It has been placed in very dangerous, unfortunate places, associated with a corrupt environment. With this concept reviled and relegated to the use of a few who after touching it have been corrupted by it, by its misuse. It has been transmitted to us that power is dangerous, that it is inaccessible, that it is used against others, etc.

First we need to make clear the sphere of power in which we are going to operate and lay the foundations for what we want our ability to create to become. Power is that, a capacity, something empty that in itself has no danger but in the wrong hands or under the wrong idea of use we have already seen that it can become something potentially harmful. In Carlos Castaneda’s books, the sorcerers or men of knowledge warned him about the four steps to overcome on the path of the warrior: fear, clarity, power and old age. In this preparation for this step before us, first we are going to see power as a word and thus take advantage of the connections it contains to use them in our favor, we stalk the word power:

Power designates the ability or power to do something. The word comes from the Latin “potÄ“re”, and this in turn from “posse”, which means ‘to be capable’. As such, it can function as a noun or a verb.

Space, emptiness, recovered capacity is the framework where we are going to activate the new Reset sequences. Power will arise from the reinforcement of what has been cleansed. Renew the body tissue by tissue, organs, glands. Energetically reconnect each part and each function of internal and external movement. Empower the mind and spirit, prepare to completely free ourselves from the prison from which we come, re-emerge from the expansion of our spirit, awaken the power that results from that expansion in all its connections.

This phase is characterized by the recovery of the powers that as a species we have always had dormant, latent or inactive. After completing the Detoxification of the beginning and the Reconnection of the Spirit, through these new activations and the new conditions created for it, we will now be able to recover what was prevented by nature. Just below all the layers and toxins that we have cleaned is found in each being the base contamination that began the repetition system and the wheel of blockages that has been transmitted from the beginning life after life. It is almost always a basic systemic conflict that our spirit has been attached to from the beginning and that through the system of karma we have impregnated in every body we have inhabited. At this level it will be the first thing we are going to reset and through this the doors will be open for our powers to return without any difficulty.

This power is both a result of progression in practice and the ability to remember and reconnect with each being’s own essential abilities. This depends on the lost nature of the spirit, that is, on those intrinsic faculties associated with each one on their planet of origin and that now, through the Transmission of Information from the Spirit, it is possible to reactivate them. With this, we are going to transmit the power to reset with more force, less effort and greater speed. This represents a great advance in our resets, both in ourselves and in others, greatly reducing the work and recovery time to which we are accustomed. We are going to live even more clearly than until now the possibility of beginning to relate to life in a totally new way for human beings. The potential to take the reins of our lives, to be aware of our existence and give meaning to the dream of life. It is time to get out of the confusion in which we have been immersed forever, now is the moment in which we are owners of our body, our spirit and the immense energy that arises from the fusion between the two. A dream come true, the reality of being able to realize our dreams and the possibility of helping many to make the same journey. The journey begins now.



Sphere IX corresponds to the Magic-32 in the Nothing that completes the tandem with the Spirit in the Being, who, as we call him the Dreamer in relation to the dream sphere, in this synergy we can call him the Magician.

We can also name this sphere of Magic as the sphere of Creativity that is closely related to Magic and the Spirit. Magic is considered as everything that happens and no logical explanation can be found. This is because so many factors intervene at the same time that it is practically impossible to name so many variables that could have occurred in that “magical” moment. Most of the time they are attributed to chance, but due to the multiple causes that intervene in their realization, we are going to call it “causation”. It is not about trying to put the inexplicable into words, but rather about seeing what the phases and requirements are like so that we can enter this Magic consciously and effectively.

In this phase of learning and practicing Sphere Reset we handle 770 healing sequences, activations, protections, spells, etc. with which we are able to influence a set of innumerable factors each time we reset. We have been doing this invisible intervention with which we obtain inexplicable results since the first 13 sequences of the first level, which explains without explanation that we have been doing magic since we began this journey with Sphere Reset. We have already seen that the phases of Detoxification (opening spherical space), Reconnection with Spirit (alignment), Recovery of Power (discovering our potential) and Magic (creating our dream) do not occur in an ordered linear sequence in which we begin in one and ends in the next, are simultaneous, although they become possible to a greater extent with that order as we progress.

We can see this process in how the opening of spherical space is the condition that the spirit needs to relocate throughout the structure of the being so as not to have any external or internal conditioning that prevents it from expressing itself in its entirety. That is where alignment with the spirit arises, allowing us to discover the power that we had hidden or diminished and, in the sum of these favorable conditions, be aware of the dream in which we live and that lives us in a magical way. In other words, accumulated cleaning gives us back the freedom to choose what we want without inertia or resistance; Alignment with the spirit is essential as well as self-recognition of our essence-nature to operate from there; the use that this space and this reconnection puts the power back in our hands to expand and share ourselves from there; All of the above leads us to be the creators, authors of the dream that this life gives us. To the extent that we stop identifying with the partial features of our being and detach the assemblage point of attention from the entrained obstacles, we align ourselves in the global spherical expansion as movement and in the total structure of our

Being as a framework for action, we become aware of our capacity and stop limiting ourselves with the spokes in the wheel that have always held us back, we are capable of recovering authority, the possibility of being authors, actors, directors and witnesses of our dream. Without deconditioning, deconcentration, along with total openness, the use of all our abilities, and the self-recognition of the dream and the dreamer, magic does not occur fully and its impact has a limited effect. From level VIII we have been able to reach sphere 13 and recover the essence of our being, now we have to make the reverse journey and imprint this recovered essence on the spirit-9, so that from love-6 we can expand it in all spheres and recognize ourselves in the mind-3: 13-9-6-3.

If we consider sphere 10 as the empty spatial location existing in and between all spheres, it does not correspond to any of the three terrestrial, energetic and celestial levels in which We categorize the sets of three spheres 1-2-3, 4-5-6 and 7-8-9 since it is in all and none. With which the next group of three spheres corresponds to that of the spheres 11-12-13, hence the correspondence of the essence 13 with the spheres 9-6-3 with which it shares a celestial nature. With what we are left with a structure of the first ten spheres, then a group of three (11-12-13) and the group of ten other universal spheres in which the first thirteen are projected, this is how the 23 spheres are grouped : 10-3-10. The first ten spheres of Being are projected in life-11, in existence-12 and in essence-13 and these in turn simultaneously reflect this projection in both the 10 spheres of Being and in the other 10 universal spheres. This is how the self-recreation formula we talked about works.

We are located in the last phase of Magic within the steps taken in the practice of Sphere Reset. Magic has better results the less resistance or impediments there are in the way of its realization, which is why we find ourselves so contaminated and restricted, not being able to fluidly realize our dream and shine at our maximum potential. This is the reason why implants have been preventing us from having this power of expansion, first to keep us in a reduced version and therefore parasitizable and because this intrinsic expansive form in us kills them with the light that shines from our Being. The sphere of the Being measures 4200 km in radius in each of us and in its perimeter it gives us access to the global structure of the 13 groups that form the 108 spheres.

The objective is to clean the entire global structure to expand in that void without obstacles. Magic will then be able to manifest itself without personal conditions and do its work with better results, therein lies the power of the void, in its maximum conductivity and unlimited expansion. Furthermore, in some of the spheres where total cleansing has been achieved we now have the possibility of accessing the latent powers that were subjugated under all the contamination. These powers are specific to each sphere and are the potential basis on which we should have been born naturally. At the same time, the liberated spherical space leaves us open the necessary expansion to be able to express ourselves in our essence without conditions, which in nature manifests itself as the greatest expansion of Love, the clear path to share our power, to interact freely and feel. the potential of life at its maximum splendor at all levels.

Now is the moment in which we are going to be able to create the favorable conditions that we need so that freedom can be given in a real way, so that the spirit can be recreated in its maximum expression, so that our power can be shared without limits and that magic makes our dreams come true. This is the structure that we have been recovering all this time of practice, it is up to us to take care of it, promote it and celebrate it freely, with respect, responsibility, love and in accordance with the nature that shines in each of us: never stop shining.


* Please read before booking


Iosu is located and lives full time in Spain. This means that he is on the Madrid/Central European time zone (GMT +2)

His time zone is 6 hours ahead of EST and 9 hours ahead of PST until Nov 3, 2024, then he will be 5 hours ahead of EST and 8 hours ahead of PST until March 2024.

When booking you will see HIS time availabilities, however it asks you to choose YOUR time zone when booking. So make sure you choose your time zone so that you book the correct time and receive the confirmation in the correct time. This will minimize the potential for there to be time zone conversion issues and missed sessions.

For example: You choosing a session at 7pm Madrid time, would be 1pm EST / 10am PST.

Iosu's first language is Spanish, while he speaks English, there can be a bit of a language barrier or you may need to ask him to repeat something to understand.



You choose a day & time that works for you.

Iosu will call you via WhatsApp or Signal (both are Communication apps that run off wifi/data) on the number you booked the appointment with.

Iosu will talk to you on the phone and ask you some questions.

Then he will hang up and do the energy work.

He will call you back once done and verbally recite to you some things he found.

You can choose to take notes as he speaks or not, it is up to you. There is no need to "remember" what he finds because he already works on it.

Fully Remote Sessions : HOW THEY WORK


More info about Sphere Reset

Being Spheres

The Being Spheres are 10 and are the structural base on which all Sphere Reset work is based.They reflect the entire Global Spherical Structure, that is, the 111 spheres are Mirrors and Reflections of each other, so the foundation is to clean them all at the same time so that the springs do not activate the same ailments again. The Self is defined by the ten spheres sum and by none in particular, it is everything that cannot be defined, it is unique, specific in each individual and at the same time it is nothing, it is the same as the rest.

This explains why we all have an identical system of structural layers, with the same problems, but the way in which the contamination accumulates and manifests itself is totally personal. To understand how spherical movements work it is very necessary to take into account their relationships with the other groups of spheres that surround us, influence us and of which we are a part.

Sphere Reset is a technique with the purpose of disarticulating this whole system of blockages to free the spheres movement, recover freedom and take the reins of life.

Being Spheres

The Being Spheres are 10 and are the structural base on which all Sphere Reset work is based.

Click on the tabs in the section below to read more about each one of these 10 spheres.


“Everything happens in the Form, Through Form and Beyond Form.”

The first sphere is Physical Body-1, the vehicle where all levels of Being are united, the life materialization in all its possibilities. This sphere corresponds to the first line in the I-Ching trigrams, the terrestrial line relating to the concrete plane, the tangible. The body thus represents a Whole on a human scale, like a small Planet, just as it functions as an Ecosystem in itself, One-Verse, a reflected Unique-Version of the Universe Totality. From here just arose this phrase: “Everything happens in the Form…” which means that the manifestation of what is seen and what is not seen is materialized in the body, the visible or invisible movements we can only perceive them with the physical senses “…Through the Form” and the consciousness expands “…Beyond the Form” from the Mind as conductor and the Spirit as passenger of the vehicle of the body.

“The Tao begets the One,

the one begets the two,

the two begets the three,

the three begets the ten thousand beings.

The ten thousand beings harbor within them yin and yang,

whose vital energies collide to become harmonious unity.”

Tao Te King, Lao Tze (Chapter XLII)

The theory of Fractals “THE WHOLE IN THE PARTS AND THE PARTS IN THE WHOLE” states that although each level is unique, in itself it encloses all the levels in scale again, so that in the body we will see reflected all the disorders and at the same time all of each spheres potentialities. The body is our working tool and also all the cleansings focus attention in this material plane, the oneness, the sum of everything.

In this way we see all the spheres reflected in many different body parts as for example: the Emotional sphere-2 in the movement of the energy channels described by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, or in somatization; the mind-3 origin in the brain; the systemic-4 in each physical system functioning (nervous, digestive, cardiorespiratory, genitourinary, etc); the electromagnetic-5 in the neuronal transmission and reception or in the hair as an electromagnetic projector; the quantum plane-6 in the reproductive-sexual system closely linked to love; the karmic cause-effect law-7 in the endocrine system; the oneiric capacity-8 in the limbic system; the spirit-9 representation in the look, smell or perception; and another example is how the sphere of Being-10 is expressed in all the body empty spaces.

In this first sphere begins the Detoxification phase in the Sphere Reset practice that continue until the end of the practice in the whole body cleansing. This is the body elimination of all pathogens (fungus, viruses, bacteria and parasites) that are behind most of the pathologies we suffer from. In addition, cleansing includes the heavy metals, fluoride, microplastics, pesticides, acetone, cortisol and all the external or internal toxins elimination that we accumulate and the body alone has no way of purging.

The first objective towards which Sphere Reset is directed is the Body, Heart and Mind alignment, the consequence between Doing, Feeling and Thinking. This centering is what the technique relies on in order to move into the evolution next stages: Spirit Reconnection, Power Recovery and Magic. The Body is the Vehicle in which we make the life journey, it is necessary to recover its integral cleansing to awaken the dormant potentiality and the strength that has been diminished by all that we have been dragging. Freeing ourselves from all this ballast is the best gift we can give ourselves and others so that no conditioning continues to repeat itself and we can live free without suffering, pain or disease.


“The unfinished business of all humanity is to learn how emotions work”.

The e-motions are the being energy in movement, they are neither good nor bad, they are just that, energy better or worse used. The lack of a correct expression in each one of us is what makes them stagnate or somatize in the body, generating an infinity of blockages that, if they are not undo, last until the end of life. Thus, emotions are an intermediary energy engine between the material-doing (body-1) and the idea-thought (mind-3), the bridge between the body and the mind, so that without the emotional system we do not have the energy to be able to carry out our tasks.

Sphere reset level 2 energetic sphere

If we join the characteristic of emotions as intermediaries together with the dual vision it generates, we can observe its nature of bridge and concrete-earthly-body level connector with the ideas-abstract-mind world. It is right in this position between both levels where this dual perception arises and at the same time breaks it in its central position when it unites the abstract and the concrete interdependence. Therefore, the One unity, in the Two is duplicated and becomes mathematically divisible, but if we separate the body from the emotions or mentally obviate them we enter into the root of all problems: the Conflict between the parts.

Emotional intoxication also occurs in the body and expresses itself as somatization, blockages, subconscious loops, etc. This sphere cleansings are dedicated to unraveling the stuck emotional codes that produce a lot of weakness in both, the body and the mind, as they reproduce over and over again the same repetitive movement. In addition, we are not only exposed to our repressed or poorly expressed emotions, but we can also somatize the emotional projections of others that can represent a large percentage in the origin of the blocks that we accumulate in life. Sphere Reset traces and cleanses all types of emotional energy that are harmful to us such as Somatized, Hidden, Trauma, Blocked, Transferred, Self-projected or Bypassed emotions to release the layers of other contamination underneath.

Sphere Reset work in the first three spheres is about body-emotion-mind alignment. This is the honesty basis and connection with oneself, which we constantly reflect through our emotions. In them, we can observe the centering and balance level of these three spheres, because as the center receives information from the physical, the psychic and its own level of energy movement. It is crucial to keep each of the 3 basic levels together through this alignment without any of them overlapping or replacing another. Avoid conflict from the base, do not fight against one. The first step to learn in the emotions is to respect its own nature, from there we can evolve by applying this same formula in the rest of the spheres.


The third sphere is Mind-3 in the Being spheres. The problems we are going to face in this sphere are based on the attention identification with thought. When we put the mind in a fixed way in the mental explanation, a conflict arises between ideas and the world we perceive. The cleansing that Sphere Reset does in this sphere resets Traumas, Phobias, Psychological Defenses, Blocking Thoughts, Weakening Beliefs, any mental movement that corrupts the Mind Nature in its free, creative movement, prejudices devoided or that compromises each one maximum potential. It is very necessary in addition to disindentificate the attention from thought, to break with the self-sabotage generated from living with external programming imported into all areas of our mind. From the constant identification with these mental loops is where the Stockholm Syndrome is born in which we live by helping everything that kidnaps our true mental freedom.

Sphere reset level 3 mind sphere

In this sphere we enter into the work from the third line of the trigram of the I-Ching, the celestial level and towards its reintegration into the Whole. The practice will once again be intricate in the three levels EARTH, NATURE AND HEAVEN, but this time from the higher level, Heaven, where we will work and go deeper. This level covers many work and correlations areas such as the ideas, dreams and spirit world, the information we accumulate about ourselves and what surrounds us. It is about clearing the mind path to advance more and more towards the knots liberation that tie us to this stuck “reality”. Open space in our capacity to perceive life as it is, from our essence, from unintoxicated nature, from an uncontaminated vision. Allowing our senses to open much more through an unexplored terrain that is already glimpsed between the gaps left by the blockages. Step by step, leaving nothing to reset, this is the way that will lead us to generate the conditions and the potential with which we should have been born, the ideal situation that can keep us in connection with the infinite, with the eternal.


In Sphere 4, Systemic, there are many different natural systems types to which we belong and other artificial ones created to override us. The cleansings in both cases are sequenced to be able to decontaminate those systems that are intoxicated and reset the imposed implanted structures that program us to fall into eternal repetition. In the global sense there are 11 different main systems that influence us and that we can work on cleaning; each of the systems in which we are going to work in this level corresponds to one of the first 11 spheres, as we see, the spheres structure corresponds in each level with a categorization of its own nature and essence.

Sphere reset level 4 systemic sphere

1. Human Species-Material Sphere

2. Physical Family-Energetic Sphere

3. Cultural-Mental Sphere

4. Humanity-Systemic Sphere

5. Planet Earth System-Electromagnetic Sphere

6. Reality (Created System)-Quantum Sphere

7. Karmic System-Light Sphere

8. Oniric System-Oneiric Sphere

9. Spiritual Family-Spiritual Sphere

10. Universal Family-Matrix Sphere

11. Global System-Total Sphere

The first system to which we belong is the Species: homo sapiens sapiens, a mammalian hominid animal species that since prehistoric times has accumulated a physical baggage that we all carry in our material body, even before. According to the tests, the dating would lead us to ancient civilizations of which no record is shown.

The second system through which life is imbued in us is the physical Family in which we are born. There is the false idea that “we have chosen to be born there for some transcendental reason”, there are many religious or spiritual theories that speak of this. It is a false transcendence, it is the energetic parasites that are in charge of making you fall into a dysfunctional family structure that potentially matches all the blockages and wounds you carry from other lives. The more attention you give to the problems, the more you get hooked and the less possibility to get rid of them. The solution is to reset them in order to choose another path and end once and for all with of all the problem repetitions and unresolved conflicts coming from our family ancestors inherited generation after generation.

The mental sphere in the systemic is the Culture, the nice way to call the specific conditioning of each country, region or place. Far from being an artistic transmission or a way of coexisting and adapting to the environment, it has become a diversity and individuality alienation and annulment instrument. A large part of the systems of thought are conditioned by this manipulated sphere.

Humanity, one only has to look at any chapter of history to see that has been repeating the same conflicts and injustices for millennia. The systematization of conflict and corrupt power as a way of codifying life is a product of the implants, this is how they make sure they keep the livestock with the blocked energy they need to be able to feed through us. It is also how they make sure that we are devoid of any form of rebellion and evolution that can unmask their game and leave them without the spoils. This robbery, the energy theft in any format is what translates human relations at the ordinary level. You have to make a tremendous effort not to fall in there and not to be devoured by the rest of the “fallen ones”.

The systemic environment in which life manifests itself is the Earth as a planet. As a living being it registers, as we do, all kinds of blockages, pollution and parasites that condition the life of all its inhabitants.

As a consequence of the previous systems, Reality is constructed, which corresponds to the quantum footprint projected by the first 5 systems as a whole. When we are not capable of being the true architects of our reality, it is given to us by inertia and drags us in a programmed movement that sabotages any personal purpose and in which people identify themselves without knowing if they are really living their life.

Karma is the law of cause-effect, this should not be a problem. But as we have already seen, it has always been used to make us fall infinite times in the same mistakes, obstacles, calamities, resistances, problems, deaths, problems, pains, sufferings…etc. In dreams, is represented our life second performance theater. It should not have to be the second show of our movie, in fact it is a different one, but ordinarily it is. This makes that we do not know what is the nature of our oniric existence and that we know little of its operation. As a system it is an spirit form of expression and as we have said this Oniric system is not separated from the hard reality, moreover it has its own characteristics that we will see later. As far as the systemic aspect is concerned, it has the imprint of the relationship between the spirit and the 7 previous levels, which usually generates many asynchronies, lack of coordination, conflicts and ruptures.

Another family is the spiritual family, the system from which you come, your spirit original planet. As in the previous cases, the history that each one drags is very different and the work is not to solve it but to undo it. We have reached the point of identifying ourselves with what has happened to us that what we really are is hidden under the Stockholm syndrome that traps us. We no longer even remember our essence, the root of our spirit, we vaguely intuit it. If our spheres remember everything that is attached to them and all the information that keeps us in a loop is replicated underneath, it means that behind this pollution there is the possibility of remembering who we really are. If we are able to clean all the layers that cover and mask us, our natural essence will emerge and will be accessible to our life.

Finally we would have the Universal Family that would be composed by the different inhabitants from the different planets. These relationships although we have not lived them today consciously, we have the memory of how they were and especially during all these conflict periods between species generated eons ago and that here we have no record.

As we have seen with the spherical movements, some lead to others and form larger spheres when they combine with each other. This is how the Global System arises, which would be the sum of all 10 systems, which also generates records and patterns that are returned to it as a mirror image. This mirror is a loops repetition generator where it will also be very necessary to reset in order to free ourselves from these asphyxiating whirlpools. In the previous spheres it’s worked, activating the cleansing and detoxification in the first three levels: physical, energetic and mental. The work will continue to impact on these previous levels, everything is intricate and decontamination will continue to occur. In this fourth sphere, the next phase of Sphere Reset begins: the Spirit Reconnection.

The answers to these questions everyone asks: Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my purpose in life? It is crucial to get rid of all the external junk piled on top of the only thing that can answer these questions: your spirit. As we open up, we glimpse the space needed for our spirit to expand and see the greatness of who we are. It is only through these eyes that we can let go of the vision of calamity that haunts us and does not honor the true power that lies behind these debris curtains. Reconnecting with your spirit entails not only resetting the dirt that prevents it, but activating that which has been dormant for a very long time and needs to be put back to work.


The fifth sphere is the electromagnetic sphere. In the ten spheres structure, in each of the ten spheres of Being there are ten other spheres reflected within each one and so on. Like a fractals set with the same structure getting smaller and smaller or bigger and bigger depending on the direction in which you look. The body electromagnetic fields are affected by all the waves that surround us, the electronic devices with which we live, the geopathies, with Sphere Reset it is possible to regenerate these body fields and externals also, protect and strengthen them so that they do not influence us negatively in our health. Also this electromagnetism determines how we project ourselves in life, how we vibrate with others, with what happens to us. The idea is to break all blocked or corrupted projections inertia and to access the power of this sphere as an ally and not as an enemy. From now on, the capacity recovered by these cleanings will determine the work with Sphere Reset. Once this work is done and the spirit expansion in the corporeal space first and in the spherical space later, it is time to activate the sequences to prepare us for everything we can do with this free space for the spirit, the mind, the energy and for our body as latent power channelers. The fifth sphere corresponds to Power-28 Sphere in the Nothingness spheres. Before we dive into this work, we need to be clear about the healthy concept of “power”, to cleanse the word of the constructs, ideas and uses that have been made in its name to subjugate others and not as a form of growth or self-knowledge. With which, as the money, during history power has been only in the hands of a few, used in the wrong ways through tactics and strategies that have distorted it. It has been placed in very dangerous, regrettable places, associated with a corrupt environment. This reviled power concept, relegated to the use of a few, has corrupted everyone to whom it has had access. It has been conveyed to us that power is dangerous, that it is inaccessible, that it is used against others, and so on. First we need to be clear about the sphere of power in which we are going to manage ourselves and lay the foundations of what we want our capacity to create to become. Power is just that, a capacity, something empty that in itself has no danger but in the wrong hands or under the wrong idea of use we have already seen that it can become something potentially harmful. In Carlos Castaneda’s books, the witchers, or men of knowledge, warned him about the four steps to overcome on the warrior’s path: fear, clarity, power and old age. In this preparation for this step that we are about to take, we will first look at power as a word and thus take advantage of the connections it contains to use them to our advantage. We can look at the word power:

Sphere reset level 5 electromagnetic sphere

Power designates the capacity or the power to do something. The word comes from the Latin “potÄ“re”, and this in turn from “posse”, meaning ‘to be able’. As such, it can function as a noun or as a verb.

The space, the void, the recovered capacity is the frame where we are going to activate the new sequences of Reset. Power is going to arise from the reinforcement of what has been cleansed. Renew the body tissue by tissue, organs, glands. Energetically reconnect every part and every function of the internal and external movement. To empower the mind and spirit, to prepare us to free ourselves completely from the prison from which we came, to re-emerge from our spirit expansion, to awaken the power that results from that expansion in all its connections. Sphere 5 is dedicated to awakening new resetting and healing abilities, as well as new fields in which to apply them. The spirit expansion developed with the previous practices, gives us the possibilities to access these new activations. We are still in the reconnection phase of the spirit and the new sequences will be loaded with enhancers, reconnections with our body latent faculties, our dream-spiritual body and the relationships that open between our energy and the nature that surrounds it.

We have observed how the spherical system connects us like a network to everything and everyone. This connection has always been used to keep us tied to suffering, pain, problems and foolishness. Now with the cleaner structure we have much greater power and capabilities and with less interference. These new conditions help us to use this network in our favor and for the benefit of everyone we connect to and stay honestly connected with themselves and with life. The harmony living experience and life connection will transform into very clear sensations in our body and spirit, something increasingly familiar although still new in our human existence. I invite you to observe and live it from silence, without mind, open and innocent, like children eager to play, learning and learning, like playing.


The sixth sphere, corresponding to Quantum sphere in Being and with Love-29 sphere in Nothingness. Quantum is an adjective used in the physics field. The concept refers to what is linked to certain jumps in energy when emitting or absorbing radiation, which are known as “quanta”. Quantum physics, therefore, is linked to theories that are based on these properties. Quantum mechanics has traditionally been considered the theory of the microscopic world: the molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles physics. However, its applicability is believed to be universal. The cleanings in this sphere are intended for all the reflections that the quantum traces generate and that repeat the same problems in this format, triggering the accumulated repetition.

Sphere reset level 6 quantum sphere

The concept of love, with which it shares the sphere, is something that has been greatly misused and misunderstood, poorly taught and corrupted for a long time. The mere fact of wanting to define love is already a mistake in itself, since it is not something that can be explained in words and that, at the same time, can be converted and adapted to each situation. We can say that it is in constant movement, in eternal change, it is impermanent. Through another look, love is considered the greatest force in the universe, generating change capable, and so it is. Nowadays, quantum physics and love are seen as equal: for example, it is said that when a circumstantial and random collision occurs with another being, when an unexpected encounter becomes a love relationship, that transforms the lives of the two people involved, that moment is when we can say that love is like a quantum phenomenon. From Sphere Reset vision, being intrinsic to the quantum capacity and love being the universal force, the definition would be precisely the opposite: quantum physics is a phenomenon of love. Well, without the experience of love and existence through love, there can be no real and comprehensive change in life. This changing process or evolution in the being is in principle what is described in the Book of Mutations, the I Ching, which details the phases through which the energy passes, the “momentum” in which these steps are reflected. and the mutation possibilities towards which it subsequently tends. All of this is told in a way that is not absolute but referential, obviously, just as it happens in life in the universe, we are subject to change, we are surfing on the principle of impermanence, everything changes except change. Only by using this impermanence as an ally will we have the ability to inhabit the entirety of our spheres. Being without being, without staying or staying, if you feel that you need to attend to some part that has been disconnected from the whole. The reintegration of all parts of your being is the second global stage in the Sphere Reset practice. The first was the alignment between body, energy and mind, which was developed during the work in the first three spheres and which has put us on the spirit reconection path, of taking back the reins. This quantum sphere also represents another step within the general learning structure of Sphere Reset. With all the spherical parts available to connect with each other at the same time we enter the Power Recovery phase. A power of love, which is given from our own original position, the essential nature of each one expanded in all spheres. So, we observe with that infinite visions look of love, that love can change everything because precisely it is the only energy of all the spheres that is capable of being in the whole. Now we are prepared to, from our integral spherical position, exist in the experience of being ourselves in a total way, the most basic expression of love and the most powerful at the same time. The word exist comes from the Latin exsistere (to appear, emerge, be), composed of the prefix ex- (outwards) and the verb sistere (to take a position, to be fixed). Emerge, expand, be in everything, from our fixed physical base position, the center.

In the Quantum Sphere we begin the next evolution stage within the Sphere Reset practice: “the recovery of Power”, a stage that encompasses spheres 6 to 8. This phase is characterized by the powers recovery that as a species we have always been lethargic, dormant or inactive. After completing the beginning Detoxification and the Reconnection of the Spirit, through these new activations and the new conditions created for it, we will now be able to recover what was prevented since we were born. Just below all the layers and toxins that we have cleaned is found in each being the base contamination that initiated the repetition system and the blockages wheel that has been transmitted from the beginning, life after life. It is almost always a basic systemic conflict that our spirit always has been attached to and through the karma system we have impregnated in every body we have inhabited. In this sphere it will be the first thing we are going to reset and through this, the doors will be open for our powers to return without any difficulty. This power is both a result of progression in practice and the ability to remember and reconnect with each being’s own essential abilities. This depends on the spirit lost nature, that is, on those intrinsic faculties associated with each one on their original planet. With this, we are going to transmit the power to reset with more force, less effort and greater speed. This represents a great advance in our resets, both in ourselves and in others, greatly reducing the work and improvement time to which we are accustomed. We are going to experience even more clearly than until now the possibility of beginning to relate to life in a totally new way for human beings. The potential to take our lives reins, to be aware of our existence and give meaning to the dream of life. It is time to get out of the confusion in which we have been immersed forever, now is the moment in which we are our body and our spirit owners and the immense energy that arises from the fusion between the two. A dream come true, the reality of being able to realize our dreams and the possibility of helping many to make the same journey. The journey begins now.


The seventh sphere, the karmic sphere in the Being, corresponds to the light-30 sphere in the spheres of Nothingness. Before delving fully into it, we must make clear the concepts that we are going to consider during the resets in and from the karmic sphere. The concepts we are going to play with are: light as a transmitting information vehicle; karma as a trap; and the spirit as a light, power and knowledge being.

Sphere reset level 7 light sphere

“There are two kinds of blessings: the first consists of worldly blessings earned by doing good deeds. These have to do with the mind and are therefore confined to time and space. The second consists of the integral blessing that falls on those who realize Great Unity consciousness. This awareness frees you from mind, time, and space bonds to fly freely through the Tao limitless harmony. There are also two kinds of wisdom. The first is worldly wisdom, which is your experiences conceptual understanding. Since it is after the events themselves, it necessarily prevents your direct truth understanding. The second, integral wisdom, implies a direct participation in each moment: the observer and the observed dissolve into each other. Pure awareness light, there are no concepts or mental attitudes to diminish that light. The blessings and wisdom that accrue to those who practice the Integral Path and lead others to it are a billion times greater than all worldly blessings and wisdom combined.”

Hua Hu Ching, 26. Lao Tse

Since ancient times, Light has been a focus of worship, research and universe explanations on which human beings have relied to understand life and its functioning.

From the Sphere Reset perspective, light is the fastest information vehicle. Until now, we have been using the quantum bio-resonance principle as support to transmit all the information that is expanded each time we reset. Bioresonance is based on the simultaneous transmission from one body to another through frequencies from the body biochemistry (1st sphere) are translated into energetic functions (2nd sphere), hence into brain commands that generate internal movement and external projection (3rd sphere), these form a movement system(4th sphere) that is projected in an electromagnetic field (5th sphere) and up to this point is reflected in a quantum frequency that stimulates the inverse decoding process in the other person (frequency – electromagnetic field – movement – brain function – energy function – biochemistry). The next format to collect the quantum resonance witnessing is through the light sphere. The resonance that we have used until now depended physically on the particles vibration, while we include the transmission support in spherical light waves with this 7th sphere.

This phenomenon will allow us to have a stronger impact each time we reset, even if the decoding changes. Light propagates at a 300,000 meters per second speed in a clear conducting medium, such as air, water, or vacuum. In the same way as bioresonance, the light waves will be transmitted through a spherical expansion with the same strength and intensity in all directions at the same time, this is the progress, since before we had to review or repeat the resets more times and now they will be produced with greater force and fluidity. From this level, the Sphere Reset spherical expansions will be light expansions, this is a qualitatively and quantitatively radical change. The light that we are going to use comes from all the light that surrounds us in all its manifestations, whether gamma rays , ultraviolet, infrared, black light, etc. We are going to attract it through the emptiness that is produced every time we expand, through the same drainage that we explained in the sphere of love. The result will be a huge increase in reset power; a homogeneity of this power in everything that is being cleansed or activated in each expansion, that is with the same force in all areas; the more layers accessing possibility within the same session and, thereby, accelerating the detoxification and cleansing process.

Karma is the cause and effect law that prevails in the universe movement and that permeates the light with information. Karma means action and many Asian cultures such as Buddhism or Hinduism include it as the energetic interpretation that all individual acts have their consequence or a boomerang effect. This action and reaction principle was also described in Newton’s third motion law [With every action, an equal and opposite reaction always occurs: this means that the mutual actions of two bodies are always equal and directed in opposite directions.] This universal physical principle is valid as long as it is not expressed through a transcendentality beyond itself, this is where the problem arises. By seeing us trapped in the repetitions wheel created by the implants to stagnate energy and feed on them. These parasites have caused the illusion that we need to experience the calamities that comes up from these loops as a punishment for our bad acts from past lives. Although it is true that this karmic wheel allows us to learn from our mistakes, identification with this process is what generates the famous Stockholm Syndrome instead. Hence, the religious interpretation that has been used to subjugate people speaks of karma in the same way that guilt is transmitted with Judeo-Christianity and Islam. All of this, is an artificial construct that they use to make people live through another half-truth, believing that they are responsible for everything bad that happens to them, but nothing could be further from the truth. The true part, we have already seen that when you hurt others, you do it to yourself and this is reflected in your luminous potential or otherwise it generates opacity, inability to transmit yourself fluently and connect with life with all your being. The conflict system established by the implants means that every time we enter into a dispute, there is the potential to build a toxic bond that connects us with those people involved. But these connections occur repetitively thanks to the devices that these parasites have implanted in our spheres, which is why we practically attract and reproduce the same recurring themes over and over again. In short, the implants have relied on the karma law to form a transcendentality illusion that hooks people to live for or against these loops, and thus give away all their energy to the life kidnappers without being able to get out of this false wheel. The other way we have left is to use this trap to our advantage, since it is not placed there by chance. We have already seen how, under all layers that we have been cleaning ,we end up with the primary wounds. That is, we uncovered base negative karma that collapsed access to positive karmic information, that is, each spirit essence memory has of its own, its primary nature, its intrinsic power. This is why when we remove all accumulated opacity it is possible to access to the light source from which we come, first to that of our spirit and from there through love energy, contact the divinity-34 sphere, the universe spiritual sphere.

The spirit is composed of light beams in which it stores all its original nature information. This light is what turns the spirit into a information vehicle with access to all universal knowledge contained in the light that constantly illuminates us. Spirit has the ability to collect all information of what it illuminates and where it is reflected. The moment we regain connection with spirit, all this particular and universal knowledge is available to us, either to be remembered in dream perception or to be opened to our curiosity. It happens the same with spiritual guides communication, they are light beings, therefore, in this sphere we will be able to communicate with them in a much more fluid and fast way, without interference. In the total healing process that we are experiencing, when this contamination emptying occurs and concludes in total repair/regeneration we will have access to our abilities real power. One of them explains why the oniric world is the spirit way of communication and expression, this is because the dream energy that is needed to dream is light. So, through the light collection that we will do in each reset, we will accumulate the necessary fuel each day to be able to dream consciously, willingly and with all its possibilities.

Light, in short, is pure consciousness, our consciousness would be like a sunlight ray and we could compare consciousness with the sun itself. We are a universal consciousness minor expression scale. We essentially share the same light and have the same root, the link that unites us. In this war against the darkness we are going to support ourselves in everything that supposes a way to increase the reset impact through this light union. Using light as a weapon, resetting collectively, connecting to all suns, stars, constellations and planets. Bathing with light a universe full of darkness, opaque, blessing every corner with light, bringing brightness back to life, so that beauty is expressed to the fullest and we can witness such immense strength.


In sphere 8 we finish Sphere Reset final stage work corresponding to Power Recovery. It is the prelude to next and final stage that takes us towards Magic. We enter into a work from Oniric Sphere that encompasses Dreams world, awake and asleep, in all their formats. During practice, a spherical clarity develops that allows us to be more aware of dreams we have, enter them deliberately, control them and even work or cleanse with resets through those dream moments. What has come to light is that, in some way, all contamination that we have removed was restricting the ability to dream and the powers that this faculty contains.

Sphere reset level 8 oniric sphere

If people spend an average of between six and eight hours sleeping, it is considered that throughout our lives we sleep for an average of between 23 to 25 years. Although most people do not remember dreams, of this sleeping quarter century, it is estimated that we spent about 4 years in Morpheus Worlds. These statistics are very general and do not address the possible development within this sphere, that is, they cannot measure each being real capacity to move freely in this field. Physiologically, we find ourselves again with a brain part we have been using from the beginning with Sphere Reset: the third lobe or Limbic System. In this brain area we have the cingulum: a belt-shaped structure. In brain it corresponds to cingulate gyrus, which surrounds corpus callosum and is a limbic system part, and to cingulate bundle, a bundle of fibers that runs in the cingulate gyrus white matter. In this area, all the unfinished brain information accumulates, what we have not resolved, not clear concepts, in other words: windows that we open on the computer and we do not know how to close. All this information is dumped in fornix every moment we close our eyes before sleeping and ordinary dreams arise from this disparate information cocktail that gives rise to those dreams without meaning. At the moment that we are cleaning the whole body, as we have seen in previous spheres, the brain recovers the ability to reconnect with the spirit. From here, a different type of dreams arise, with another clarity degree and more in line with what we could consider as messages.

This spirit communication system is not relegated only to dreaming moment while we sleep, but can occur in many formats that, within our culture, are not explained or attributed to the dream sphere:

–Mental lucidity state is due precisely to this daydreaming process, where memory is a good example of this since it is a brain movement that occurs in the limbic system and is normally collapsed by the thought inferences that most that help to remember impede this information flow.

–Creativity is also a same dream data processing consequence. Many artists, musicians, inventors, philosophers, etc. they have developed much of their ideas from dreams they have previously had, both vigil and waking. The formula this requires depends on the lucidity and memory capacity mentioned above. From what we can observe, the ability to dream has an evolution that involves being conscious and lucid within that dream vision, to later remember it and rely on it to create what has been transmitted through this spirit messaging system.

-In many cases, dreams can predict or connect us with ordinary reality by anticipating events or simply simultaneously feeling people or situations with which we can connect. This phenomenon occurs in the same way when we sense someone while we are awake or connect telepathically with other people.

–The act of connecting with other beings from other dimensions is also an dreaming act or occurs through this conscious dreaming state. The same thing happens when we establish communication with our spiritual guides or through people who give voice to those who are not part of this materiality, as is mediums or clairvoyants case.

We are accustomed to considering dreams world as a solid reality reflection and we isolate within this limit both its understanding and its possibilities, we try to translate dreams into a language that does not correspond to them. There is a physical dictatorship that prevents us from seeing beyond our body and thus our learning does not take us further than the skin borders. As witchers would say: “your assemblage point is fixed.” Within Sphere Reset all 13 spherical dimensions are mirrors and reflections of each other at the same time, they all influence each other, there is no importance hierarchy, but rather a diversity in which the differences and characteristics are established on every dimension representing in each sphere the being in its different facets. The 8th sphere has, like sphere of light-30th in the luminous vehicle, the nature of encompassing all the being information in the dream format. With which this reflection and integral mirror of the being also has its representation in this sphere eight. Within the Dream sphere we have been able to observe two new concepts that were being ignored, misunderstood or totally ignored in the personal development and technics ambit: the dream body and the dream field. The body and the dream field have the same common characteristic as their sphere and that is they are also our physical body and the spatial environment mirror and reflection where we move. The dream sphere and the body and field exclusive particularity it is not subject to physical time and space laws. This characteristic is what breaks with the limits we are subject in solid reality, that is, in the dream sphere everything is possible except materialization, exclusive to the first sphere. What we can deduce and take advantage of these almost infinite dreams possibilities is a whole reintegration we want and that, as a work focus, will then reflect on our life in all its aspects.

-Regarding its position, the eighth sphere shares the intermediary function: it is the spirit energetic part, that is, where the spirit fulfills its functions and displays its movement. The first intermediation is between spheres seven and nine, karmic and spirit, where the dream sphere acts as an interlocutor between the spirit and the light. This relationship is reflected in the information that is exchanged from the light to the spirit, which is transformed into dreams language in order to be encoded into spiritual communication system and vice versa, where spirit dreams are captured in the light in order to be transmitted to the rest of the spheres. In this way we are then able to combine dream perception with ordinary perception through the different types of basic dreams: awake (eyes open or closed), or asleep. This is the way through which we obtain information from our spirit and the spirits that live with us. If we are able to put all the senses and our mind at the service of the spirit, we can really see that there is no authentic reality and a false reality, but rather that they are same coin two sides and their nature is illusory when they are considered as a separate one from the other. The only authenticity possible is through both fusioned, physical and dreamlike, solid and intangible, manifested and unmanifested. It is through this coexistence where you can give rise to the crux that marks each being life essence, living your dream possibility, fulfilling your purposes in life, giving it the meaning that each one needs to be free to communicate through all personal spheres with the universe.

The dream sphere contains the secrets of possibilities that open only through dreaming act and can only be understood by bringing them to creativity. With this formula is how dreams can materialize, creating, capturing the inspiration from these visions in your hands work. Things never happen alone, it is necessary to intervene for changes to occur. This intervention can be through doing and not-doing, their combination is where the creations that we carry out daily happens. The art of dreaming consists of living with these two forces, generating a bridge to move freely between them as required, without remaining fixed or trapped in any of them. As soon as this balance occurs, resurfaces the being authenticity essence and we can perceive the essential authenticity of what surrounds us. With these conditions we can access to all spheres possibilities, at that moment is when we recover power totality, our authority totality, the possibility of being an author, a creator. That’s where the Magic begins.


In the Spirit sphere in the Being corresponding to the Magic-32 sphere in the Nothing Spheres. The Spirit has, from its origin, Being Essence memory (sphere 13; Essence-Source-36), each one Own Nature, what one is from its fundamental base. This Essence is connected to your spirit’s birth planet of origin, where it has its roots and began its Existence (sphere 12; Existence-Eternity-35). It also collects the memory of all the Lives (sphere 11 Life-Divinity-34) through which it has passed. In turn, the spirit is interconnected with the 10th sphere (sphere 10; Being-Nothing-33) with which through its emptiness the spirit can expand beyond the first spheres and project itself into the higher spheres. For this reason, sphere 9 is a focus of accumulation of any mistake, blockage, violation or attack that has occurred in any of these ten spheres that act as a bridge (9,10,11,12,13, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36), including all stagnant contamination from the previous eight spheres. This is where the work of resetting this level begins, in everything reflected in sphere 9 from previous spheres cleansing and in the cleaning of what was projected by the spirit in the subsequent spheres.

Sphere reset level 9 spirit sphere

To begin we will need to make clear the bases of the spirit that are universal and shared by all:

What is the spirit? The spirit is the light axis on which all first spheres sit, from 1 to 13.

Where does it come from? This light comes from the Source (sphere 36) from which we all come. The Source does not have a specific location but is the origin of all the light that exists.

Its duties? The spirit has several functions:

1st) it contains within itself all unique information in each being;

2nd) it serves as a guide for essence transmission (sphere 13) to be able to imprint our mark in an original way;

3rd) it helps us as a dreamer to communicate with the dream that dreams of us and that needs to be dreamed by us.

What are its main characteristics? The specific characteristics of the spirit are three:

1st) is the dreamer who knows dream language, therefore he is a dream transmitter and receiver;

2nd) it is in charge of assisting us in life so as not to lose the path that we set for ourselves within our dream;

3rd) the spirit alert is the clock alarm that keeps us conscious within different types of dreams so as not to fall into lethargy and be carried away by repetitions inertia.

What are the different parts that make it up? The spirit consists of six different parts:

1st) the light that composes it;

2nd) the two ends in the shape of a spindle or needle that serve as a body anchor;

3rd) the spirit body between the two extremes where expansion capacity is located in spheres 3,6,9 and 13;

4th) the spirit core where each being essence is condensed;

5th) the spirit contour that serves as a communication field with other spirits;

6th) the spirit nature that is constituted by all parts together union, which defines each being uniqueness and characteristic.

How does spirit communicate? Spirit communicates through dream visions (sphere 8) that in the light form (sphere 30) imprint the quantum field (sphere 6) to jump from there to the mind (sphere 3).

What are the connections you have? The main connections within the spherical field are from your own 9th sphere, directly with the spheres 13, 6, 3 and with the 10 that provides you with the freedom of space to expand your light.

Where is it projected? Spirit´s light is projected from the dream (sphere 8) as a starting point towards 111 spheres set in which it needs to expand to transmit its messages.

How to live and work through the spirit? The way it works and the way we can take advantage of it to be able to live through it, live our dream and expand it to the maximum in our life and being all areas.

How is your direct relationship with the 13-essence and 36-source spheres? Direct relationship that exists between spheres 9 (spirit) and 13 (essence) occurs through sphere 10, as with spheres 11 (life) and 12 (existence). Sphere 10´s infinite space is the framework where these four spheres merge, giving rise to this particular relationship that allows, once the spherical space is completely cleaned, access to ten Flow spheres that are beyond sphere 13: sphere 14 (totality); sphere 15 (infinity); sphere 16 (communion); sphere 17 (structure); sphere 18 (fullness); sphere 19 (relativity); sphere 20 (dissolution); sphere 21 (change); sphere 22 (impermanence); and sphere 23 (flow). These 10 spheres prints everything lived reflection by the spirit throughout its existence through each being intrinsic essential information. All the contamination that we have been dissolving throughout the practice up to now has been reflected in them and they need to be restored to be able to move with the freedom spirit dream requires to be able to be carried out without conditioning.

How to recognize your own spirit? In order to fully develop this task, it is first necessary to recognize oneself in the spirit, that is, to abandon false mind ephemeral identifications and false beliefs of what we are not: this confusion occurs due to the anchoring of our attention in all spheres or in a few, instead of observing the complete set. The global spherical structure observation is what gives us the spirit vision, starting from its own origin to the position in which we find ourselves at this moment. Without this attention relocation, the perception of what we are is a drift that, even if we have reset all the repetition systems, we will continue to remain trapped in partial visions of our being and therefore in the limited version of ourselves.

How to discover the magic through it? From the moment we reposition ourselves in the spirit as the Being center, magic possibilities become evident in our lives, this is the only way we can develop it, create through it without limitations and effortlessly generate a life according to your dreams.

How to unlock your own hidden power in your spirit? Through magic there is the possibility of unlocking the true power hidden inside each one spirit, a different power in all beings in essence and common to all of them in their existence. Some of us have glimpsed some trace of that hidden power, since it is not a skill to develop but your own latent essence that cries out to be expressed. The non-expression of our intrinsic nature is what makes us stagnate in life and get sick, because it is the natural way through which we can be ourselves, our basic need and the requirement that the universe demands of you. That is the power that we share with life, it is not something that submits us or through what we submit to anything or anyone, it is your strength expressed in all its magnitude.

How is his divine nature explained? The origin of the spirit has a direct relationship with sphere 34, Divinity sphere, because before traveling in the body, its nature has the same light composition as the guides. Unlike how we have been told in religions, we do not come from a creator God, but from a source in which all this infinite components fabric that weaves itself and all beings that inhabit it are found. According to the different existence changing needs, the source unfolds into parts that make up unique versions of itself in accordance with what the balance of the Wholeness demands. Those self-created parts are the spirits, we are self-created and that is where our responsibility, capacity and mission lies: in recreating ourselves in our self-creation, in the dream vision that spirit reflects on the global dream in which the Source dreams us. We dream a dream that is dreaming us. The spirit Divine connection with this spiral of self-created dream lies in the nature spirit Light, it is not a physical light like in sphere 30th, but a Divine Light, that is, the Source is the Heart from where all Beings were born and by detaching themselves as part of it they acquire this Sacred characteristic, which is why life is something sacred in any of its forms or expressions.

What is the spirit’s ability to maintain connection with sphere 23 (Flow) and how does it give meaning to Being? This relationship is the most sacred link that exists between all spheres, the Being-Nothing-10/33 connection with the eternal Flow-Balance-23/46 occurs through Spirit-Magic-9/32 spheres. As we have already talked about, how the only authenticity arises from being ourselves, that sameness is the information that is embodied in our Essence-Source-13/36 and that constitutes the base fuel of our Dreams-Possibilities-8/31 that the Dreamer -Spirit-Magician reproduces to be able to flow in Life-Divinity-11/34 and be part of Existence-Eternity-12/35. This connections combination is how this relationship is described and from it or the lack of it derives the fluidity or not in life. In order to find the meaning of our life and our Being, there can be no spheres separation at all, there can be no interference in this delicate balance, since a small stone in its path can divert Dream trajectory. Recreation in ourselves is what we are looking for, life self-celebration in our life is what is important, living it in a unique way as only we know is sacred, this is what makes us flow, being in our shoes. There are not two feet equal, therefore two beings cannot exist simultaneously in space-time doing the same thing or living the same life because they would collapse when their movements coincide. This is the format that the system we live in has created, a system that repeats the model in all its components and replicates the clash between them over and over again so that it is not possible to get out of this fair of dazed lunatics under the guidelines of The normality.

Sphere 9 corresponds to Magic-32 in the Nothingness spheres that completes the tandem with the Spirit in the Being, who, as we call him the Dreamer in relation to the dream sphere, in this synergy we can call him the Magician. We can also name this Magic sphere as the Creativity sphere that is closely related to Magic and Spirit. Magic is considered as everything that happens and there is no logical explanation for it. This is because so many factors intervene at the same time that it is practically impossible to name so many variables that could have occurred in that “magical” moment. Most of the time they are attributed to chance, but due to the multiple causes that intervene in their realization, we are going to call it “causality”. It is not about trying to put the inexplicable into words, but rather about seeing what the phases and requirements are like so that we can enter this Magic consciously and effectively.

In this phase of Sphere Reset learning and practicing, we handle 770 healing sequences, activations, protections, spells, etc. with which we are able to influence a set of innumerable factors each time we reset. We have been doing this invisible intervention with which we obtain inexplicable results since the first level 13 sequences, which explains without explanation that we have been doing magic since we began this journey with Sphere Reset. We already saw that the Detoxification (opening spherical space), Reconnection with Spirit (alignment), Power Recovery (discovering our potential) and Magic (creating our dream) phases do not occur in a linear sequence ordered in which one begins in one and ends in the next, they are simultaneous. Although they become possible to a greater extent with that order as we advance. We can see this process in how the spherical space opening is the condition that the spirit needs to relocate itself in the entire being structure so as not to have any external or internal conditioning factors that prevent it from expressing itself in its entirety. That is where the alignment with the spirit arises that allows us to discover the power that we had hidden or diminished and, in the sum of those favorable conditions, to be aware of the dream in which we live and that magically lives us. In other words, the accumulated cleaning gives us back the freedom to be able to choose what we want without inertia or resistance; the alignment with the spirit is essential as well as the self-recognition of our essence-nature to operate from there; the use that this space and this reconnection gives us back the power to our hands to expand and share ourselves from there. All of the above leads us to be the creators, dream authors that this life gives us. To the extent that we stop identifying ourselves with our being partial features and we detach the attention assemblage point from the dragged obstacles, we align ourselves in the global spherical expansion as movement and in our Being total structure as a frame of action, we become aware of our capacity and stop limiting ourselves with the sticks in the wheel that have always held us back, we are capable of recovering authority, the possibility of being authors, actors, directors and witnesses of our dream. Without the deconditioning, the deconcentration, together with the total openness, all our capacities use, and the dream and the dreamer self-recognition, the magic does not fully occur and its impact has a limited effect. Now is the moment in which we are going to be able to create the favorable conditions that we need, so that freedom can be given in a real way, the spirit can be recreated in its maximum expression, our power can be shared without limits and that magic makes our dreams come true. This is the structure that we have been recovering all this practice time, it is up to us to take care of it, promote it and celebrate it freely, with respect, responsibility, love and, in accordance with the nature that shines in all of us: never stop shining.


In this sphere 10 we enter to work fully in and from the Being sphere that gives its name to the first 10 spheres group. It corresponds to sphere 33, the Nothingness sphere, with which it shares a numerical position in the relationship between the Being spheres (microcosm) and those Nothingness spheres (macrocosm). In this relationship we can see how the Being is, through that Nothing, the void that contains the other nine spheres that we have already seen that make it up. Thus, in this sphere we find same layers, another mirror-reflection system that we have already eliminated on other levels, the same as always. It is precisely this empty space nature that allows all its nine elements to resonate equally without its structure being a condition for them that disrupts them. We can then say that the nothingness sphere and the being sphere share the same hollow non-structure, that is filled with everything around it and allows all other spheres to resonate freely in its space. This resonance is like all the information echo that is emitted from the other spheres and is recorded in this matrix and subsequently spread in its entirety back to all of them. This is how the spheres interaction and reflections relationships with each other are explained. The whole makes up the being singularity and the latter returns the information collected to each part, complying with the whole in the parts and the parts in the whole universal law . That’s why we can have reflex registers of all the spheres in each one of them, the 10 in the 10.

Sphere reset level 10 being sphere

The path open to the space of the 33-Nothing sphere allows from there to connect with the 111 spheres global structure through that space that surrounds them and that they include within themselves. Space is the medium where total conductivity is transmitted, that is to say, it is the information transmitter and receiver environment of all information vehicles par excellence. The characteristics of its nature are Resonance-Echo, Registration-Replication and Diffusion-Transmission. It is in these three simple steps where the entire information tidal wave is included that is capable of including the Being Totality as well as the Universe Totality without capacity or storage limit .

As we have already seen, sphere 10 is where the implants come from, their nature and origin is the Nothing planet. Being their original medium is where we will find more of them and more of the black magic they use to parasitize us. This phase takes us straight to the parasites nest, the niche in which these vermin have been cowardly hiding for eons and violating their conflict system that hurts us so much. This is the moment where we are going to turn the tables, where we can fight them in the open field. Until now we have been waging a guerrilla war, resetting them as we found them. At this time, we can already generate implants massive sweeps in the network that keeps them attached to our global spherical structure. Once we get rid of all the implants we have, there is the possibility of feeling free from the conditioning to which we are subjected. Without this cleanliness, it is very difficult to deal with the situations that arise without having to make an effort not to fall into the repetitions caused by them, instead of an adequate response or adapted to the moment. The problem is, as always, that we are not aware of what this spherical clarity without parasites means, we have to discover the nature that lies beneath that load in order to transmit that knowledge from our own example. Abandon all darkness to reflect as much light as possible.

There are different spherical numerical and positional correlations that we have been describing in groups of three, six and nine, just as the I Ching does with trigrams and hexagrams. Line 10 would correspond to the non-line, that is to say, with the interspherical and extraspherical space. It does not correspond to any of the previous levels, but to all of them at the same time. What he does have is correspondence with his essential companion in the macrocosm that in turn also encloses from its space the Nothingness spheres, another group of 10. There are two other spheres that complete two groups of 10: the Flow spheres and Balance spheres, with which Being also shares a relationship. To be able to see the spheres reflection among themselves beyond what has been observed until now, we must take a more distanced perspective and thus observe the different spheres sets.

Sphere 10 is also the prelude to spheres 11-12-13, which correspond to 3 of the 6 spheres Destiny. Although we have already had access to these first ones, after opening our way with these new sequences, with this, we also opened the possibility of reaching all the spherical groups that were overlapped by the Being sphere space contamination. We are still located in the last Magic phase within the steps taken in the Sphere Reset practice. Magic has better results the less resistance or impediments there are in the way of its realization, which is why we find ourselves so contaminated and restricted, not being able to fluidly realize our dream and shine at our maximum potential. This is the reason why implants have been preventing us from having this expansion power, first to keep us in a reduced version, therefore parasitizable and because this intrinsic expansive form in us kills them with the light that shines from our Being. The Being sphere measures 4200 km in radius in everyone of us and in its perimeter gives us access to the 13 groups global structure that form the 108 spheres. The objective is to clean the entire global structure to expand in that void without obstacles. Magic will then be able to manifest itself without personal conditions and do its work with better results, therein lies the void power, in its maximum conductivity and unlimited expansion. Furthermore, in some of the spheres where total cleansing has been achieved, we now have the possibility of accessing the latent powers that were subjugated under all contamination. These powers are specific to each sphere and are the potential basis on which we should have been born naturally. At the same time, the liberated spherical space leaves us open the necessary expansion to be able to express ourselves in our essence without conditions, which in nature manifests itself as the greatest Love expansion. The clear path to share our power, to interact freely and feel. the life potential at its all levels best.

The Being sphere is part, together with others, of what is commonly understood as the Matrix. This matrix is made up by the Being spheres-10, the Power-28 sphere, the Nothingness-33 sphere, the Mirror-52 sphere, the Beams-78 sphere, the Unmanifested-91 sphere and the last sphere of all, the Information-Noise-108 sphere. If we observe this spherical relationship with the Being and Nothingness spheres ability to collect all the Information Echo, it is the same ability that all these spheres have in common. We have access to this matrix cleaning since we started sphere 1 and we have been changing it from sphere 4. Now, we can reach all its components and also work from it. Which, at this time, means that we can remove the problems to or from their very roots in ourselves and in others without having to go through the entire layer system that prevented us doing so directly. Another lines of action that opens up during this level in the work with the Matrix is to change the repetitive contamination register for favorable commands and help in the face of life’s difficulties and traffic jams. This translates into three things: problem solving, blockages origin recognition and a paradigm shift when dealing with them. The last open possibility that Sphere 10 offers us with the Matrix is to hide what makes us vulnerable to the attacks of other people by dissolving all our own contamination that resonated and attracted everything that could vibrate in it frequency. This liberation will only come when we have got rid of everything we fall into and stop identifying with the same conflicts over and over again.

Other work characteristics from sphere-10 are the ability to Harmonize and Balance the entire spherical structure. By accessing the entire structure and being able to clear all the space both inside and around the spheres, we can harmonize the internal and external movement on each one of them. This has a balancing effect on one’s natural spherical movement resulting in the power awakening that was previously restricted. Powers that were previously dormant can only be activated when the sphere that contains them is completely clean, without any residual contamination. They are ancient but new powers for us, they have been sleeping there forever and we need them to be able to expand the cleansings and activations in the immensity that opens from the Being sphere. These powers also include each sphere codes and records to which they belong and therefore the specific base connections to communicate the entire spherical system in its structure and its relationships.

In summary, if we observe all the characteristics that this work includes in sphere 10, the reading they offer us is the following: working on the contamination remains that stays in the Matrix leaves us the immensity open space and without resistance to be able to express the Magic effortless in Life-11; recover lost power and hidden forces in all spheres; harmonize and balance our system; have access to everything that is part of the Non-Manifested (70% of our structure); recover the ability to die, to dissolve everything that should never have been maintained in time; to fully connect with its contiguous sphere: Divinity-34; but above all and this is the most important thing: to be able to remember who you are, to completely recover the buried Essence-13 so that, from our Integral Spherical Structure, we can express ourselves in the greatest Existence-12 expansion: Love-29.

Sphere Groups

All the Spheres that make up the different 13 groups are connected to each other in one way or another. The Structure is a network of Spherical Fractals that generate a moving gear. This movement is what is truncated by the accumulation of contamination from each format and its cleaning is the main objective of Sphere Reset.

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