Our client-favorite annual tradition

"Let it Go 2024" & "Manifest 2025"




A lot of you have asked me if these can still be listened to "after" January 1st and the answer is, ABSOLUTELY!

Energy doesn't have a "start / end" date and it is never too late to clear out what isn't serving you to hold onto,

just as it is never too late to create/ align or call in what you do want for yourself and your life!

Enjoy & Happy Gregorian New Year!

<3 Carina


Hands down my favorite yearly routine to end the year and start the new year! Even if I can't attend live I never miss it. Thank you for these offerings.


I feel like a huge burden was removed! Debbie in incredible so any additional healing I can do with her I jump on board! These are a must to end & start the new year!


I can't end and start my year any other way, I get so excited for these every year!


These sessions always give me motivation to kickstart my year knowing that I was being held and guided through. It's like having extra support and brings a lot of positivity into endings and new beginnings! It puts you in a whats meant to be will be mine, mindset! I love them!

RELEASE/LET GO OF WHAT DOESN'T SERVE YOU from 2024  & manifest/call in/ align with what you do want to call in /create for 2025

Purpose of Let It Go 2024 Session:

To release, let go of, clear out: traumas, stuck emotions, negative beliefs, stress and anything else from 2024 or before that doesn’t serve your highest and greatest good.

Session Recording Length: Approximately 1 hour 15 minutes

Purpose of Manifest 2025 Session:

To anchor in your desires, wants, needs, goals for 2025 by clearing out unhelpful subconscious programming, traumas & limiting beliefs that are standing in the way of those things coming into fruition

Session Recording length: approx 1 hour 20 minutes


Write down a list of anything & everything you would like to clear, reset, let go of, dissolve, release etc from 2024 or even from years prior and have the list with you when you join us LIVE (or if you can’t attend live, have this list with you when you listen to the recording). This list can include both general and specific things ! Examples include, heartbreak, stress, traumas, fights you’ve had you’d like to let go of, limiting beliefs, hardships, financial debt etc.


Please write down a list of anything you'd like to create, manifest, accomplish or FEEL (like joy, happiness, success, love, support, etc) for this new year 2025! For example if you are looking for love, instead of just writing a man/woman with x y and z qualities -- focus on how you want this person & relationship you seek, to make you FEEL (cherished, adored, trusted, loved, desired, emotionally safe etc). If you're looking for a new career and not sure what it is you'd like to do you can focus on the feelings of what you'd like this new career to bring you : Freedom, passion, joy, excitement to wake up everyday to work etc etc! A lot of times in life we focus on "but how can I manifest a career if I don't even know what I want to do!" This is how! By knowing how you want a career to make you feel! What qualities you'd like said career to give your life etc! And allow the universe to bring you opportunities in whatever form that is.

You can either write these lists physically in a notebook and have that notebook with you when you do the recording(s) or have it typed on your phone/computer.


Welcome! We are so happy you're here. To learn more, click on the button below to go to Debbie's full page. Toward the top you will see a video. We highly recommend watching this free recording of our Informational Meet & Greet!



I was so emotioanl, released so many tears, I feel much lighter!


This session was so amazing, I felt so much energy taht my hands were tingling. I couldnt hold back tears and they just streamed down my face! I feel so empowered.


My hands were tingling like crazy and I teared on many occasions through out the hour. The feeling of relief when Debbie cleared the dark pain was intense! I had the best sleep after the sessions, so much gratitude for you both!


These sessions help me find peace and I feel so much more grounded and content within my body & life. Highly recommend!

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