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Imagine having a personal guide that not only reveals the key themes of your year ahead but also helps you plan your life with the natural rhythms of the stars.
This ' 2025 Guide & Monthly Planner' offers profound insights into your solar path, lunar cycles & key astrological events that will shape your life in the next 12 months.
Whether you want to hit your goals, navigate changes, or align with cosmic timing, this personalized reading will give you the clarity & focus you need to make this year your best yet.
Your Year Ahead Guide: Using a blend of Numerology, your Solar Return chart & all the key transits, I’ll help you uncover the main focus of your upcoming birthday year. I will be looking at multiple timing techniques: solar arc, progressions, annual profection and zodiacal releasing.
I will then break it all down for you, month by month...
🌜 Monthly Lunar Cycles & Returns
Get in sync with your Moon’s cycles month by month to
feel your best & work smarter, not harder
Your monthly Lunar Return is your Personal New Moon & it sets the tone for the emotional & intuitive focus of that month. I will tell you how to work with this energy:
🌚 New Moon & Full Moon 🌝
Receive a personalized calendar of New Moons & Full Moons that shows exactly when & what to set intentions on & what to release, helping you take actions in alignment with your cosmic timing. Use personalized rituals for each New Moon & Full Moon to set intentions & release what no longer serves YOU.
💥 Eclipse Dates & Impact on You 💥
Eclipses mark major turning points. I’ll break down the dates of the eclipses this year plus, if & how they will personally affect you.
🌀 All 2025 Retrogrades 🌀
Mercury Retrograde is basic stuff! I’ll provide you with all retrograde dates for the year, for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus - & yes they are all going to be retrograde in 2025. You will know:
🚀 Visibility Week for Soulpreneurs 🚀
If you're an entrepreneur, knowing when to show up in the world is key.
I’ll identify your personal “Visibility days/Weeks”. You will know when exactly are the best dates for you to post & be seen & when it’s time to rest & recharge for optimal alignment.
Your report will be delivered to you by email within 4 week from ordering.
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HH Collective Wellness is a virtual platform of Independent Healers/Practitioners and their services & offerings. HH Collective Wellness is NOT a medical practice and our Team are not Medical Doctors. The services, suggestions, & opinions shared by HH Collective's Practitioners & Healers are based solely on their education and experiences helping people through their innate & learned craft(s). Their knowledge and experience has not been evaluated or approved by the F.D.A., the A.M.A., or any other federal, state, local or private agency. HH Collective services are not intended to treat any medical or psychological conditions; nor claim to prevent, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to make recommendations for treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles.
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