Done via ZOOM by our incredible & versatile Healer/Facillitator, Debbie

SRT “Is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives.” – Rev. Robert Detzler (Founder)


SRT stands for Spiritual Response Therapy. 

It is a powerful healing modality that works on a soul level. It is a meticulous process of researching the subconscious mind and soul (or Akashic) records to discover and release negative programming, hidden programs, blocks, interferences, themes and challenges to a health, happiness and spiritual growth. This technique uses tools to communicate with your subconscious mind and your superconscious mind – your Higher Self.

There are charts full of various items – you know Debbie love charts and lists! 

We can learn about what programs you have running (for example, self-punishment programs), what themes and challenges (for example, to recreation and play) you have, and what blocks or interferences there are. We clear these programs and discordant energies. 

Unlike Energetic Fusion, you are totally conscious for this, and for those of you who are copious note-takers, you are allowed to write all this down if you want. 

Debbie is not sure how helpful that is but many are drawn to needing to know every detail.

What does clearing do? When the Higher Self clears a program or a block, it literally erases the negative energy pattern from your subconscious mind and soul records. You can pick any topic, and we will work through the programs, energies, and more that created it and are holding it in place. 

What is a program? 

A “program” is in simplest form, the root cause of a problem or symptom that is negatively affecting your life. A program can be anything. You can get programming from your parents and family. You can get programming from abuse or trauma – imagine what that trauma taught you about yourself. Programs can come from your subconscious beliefs about deserving, or worthiness, or many other things. For example, you may have some abandonment and betrayal programs running. Things along this line may continue to show up in your life, and you may perceive things as abandonment or betrayal, when they may not be that. Programming often comes from past lives. It is never the events that happen to us that determine the programming, it is the energy around those events that matter. It’s not the fact that you were a monk or a nun and took vows of poverty in a past life. It is the energy around that, and your thoughts around that and the things you believed about that, that are causing the poverty consciousness. Maybe a parent or teacher was trying to help you improve, or help you with a problem. It doesn’t really matter how nice they were or what words they used. What matters is how you took it in. You may have ‘heard’ or perceived “I’m not good enough”. Programs can be both positive and negative however SRT only releases negative ones which allows the soul to move forward into it's fullest expression. 

To show you an example of Programs,

This list below are all the Programs that came up that needed clearing for me during an SRT session with Debbie. This was for the priority of " ADD." Something I've struggled with since I was a little child!

** Keep in mind, this is JUST the one programs portion of SRT, there is a LOT more that will come in during an SRT Session beyond just Programs. There is also Programmed Themes & Challenges, Health Charts, Blocks & Interferences and SO many more that are covered in your session.


Clear all discarnate and entity programs 

Clear all past life programming 

Experienced Trauma Programs 

Clear all discarnate and energy programs

Clear all benefit programs 

Clear all identification programs 

Clear all self punishment programs

Clear all fear programs 

Clear all inheritance programs 

Clear all imprints 

Clear and balance all positive and negative energy 

Clear all world energies positive and negative 

Clear all toxic extremes, fill them with love and light 

Clear all self limitation programs 

Clear all Malice programs 

Clear all rejection programs

Clear all low self esteem programs 

Clear all betrayal programs 

Clear all judgemental programs 

Clear all brain damage programs 

Clear despair programs 

Clear all self punishment programs

Clear insanity programs

Clear all selfishness Programs 

Please heal lethargy programs 

Clear all self destruction programs 

Clear all intolerance programs 

Clear all revenge programs

Clear all lying programs 

Clear any moody programs 

Clear any panic programs

Clear all resentment programs 

How does it work? 

Debbie uses a pendulum, to look at charts of various items. The pendulum is a substitute for the client’s higher self. That pendulum helps Debbie determine what chart to look at, and, what section on the chart. Perhaps there are some remedies you need. It might show her that you need homeopathic remedies, so she asks the higher self (the pendulum) to apply the homeopathic remedies. This is wonderful because we don’t have to know which ones you need, how many drops, how often you need it or how long you should take it – your higher self simply applies it. Or perhaps you are running self-punishment programs. We would check to see if they had their origins in a past life. If so, we will go find out what the cast of characters was that created this situation, what programs were running and clear everything around that. Often there are religious lifetimes where you took heart vows – vows of poverty, suffering, chastity, and more. There are so many possibilities.

What’s the difference between SRT and EF? 

Either will get you to where you want to be. EF is mostly about subconscious emotions, trauma & experiences that didn’t get processed properly that resulted in unwanted manifestations in health, finances, relationships, etc.

SRT is more about your soul, and what programming and experiences you chose to experience before you ever incarnated, and then the other things you picked up through being human through all your lifetimes. For example: A very common belief & misconceptions we, as humans have subconsciously,  (meaning we may not even be aware we have this belief) is that, when the soul incarnates, it becomes Separate from the Divine/God. So once incarnated, feels this deep intense separation from the Divine but may not even know that they do. This is where many of the programs originate – self-punishment for example. Your soul realizes you are now human (which we see as separate from Divine/God) so our subconscious concludes that we must have done something wrong. Another programming Belief could be that you experienced molestation from a family member and you came into this life with the program that you can't trust anyone, you aren't safe with anyone, which creates intense and extremely tough situations around relationships.

In an EF session, Debbie may be able to do 10 or 12 topics. In SRT, maybe only 3 or 4 things. For a big item it might take the entire session. SRT is deeper and more intense and it will take fewer sessions to get to the end, but you can’t cover as many things in one session. As with EF, each session on the same topic gets shorter. Debbie can test each item on your list and see if it would be better to do EF or SRT for that particular item.

In summary, they are both different and they are both great! Either way, we will get you to where you want to be.

Like Energetic Fusion, we are asked a lot questions along the lines of "can it help with ______," "will it help me with _______,"  and  the answer is, 9 out of 10 times, YES! 

Physical pain/chronic pain
Traumas (sexual, abuse etc) (these are resolved without re-traumatizing you in any way) 
Sabotaging Patterns and Habits 
Emotional Dysregulation
Acute Pain
Chronic Pain conditions 
Self-Destructive Behavior
Limiting beliefs, projections, expectations
Past Life Trauma
Ancestral Trauma
Negative emotions/anger/resentment/bitterness/jealousy 
Cutting your connection to an ex-partner/family member/friend 
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Physical Illnesses of many kinds
Relationship Issues
Finding clarity for specific situations 
Feeling heavy/stuck
Analysis and overthinking
Releasing Control
Connecting with your higher self/guidance
Expanding your psychic or intuitive gifts
Harmonize you & your partner together
Clear issues standing in the way of better communication/intimacy with your partner

& more !

If you have never done Energetic Fusion or SRT before, then you will need to create your Priority List!

A Priority List contains ANYthing and EVERYthing you can think of that you want or need to heal/release/let go of/work on/change etc. 

1.Don't feel pressured to think of every last thing at once! You are absolutely about to add to this list once you've began having sessions. However this creates a baseline of where you'll be starting. 
*Once we begin doing deep healing work, we start to become more aware of what other issues/problems/blockages arise that we need to address. (make sure to write it down when you think of things so you don't forget. Then tell Debbie to add it to your list during your next session!) 

2. Be sure to put it in priority order what you'd like to work on FIRST, and then as you move through healing you'll move down the list!  This is also so Debbie can keep track of what you work on during each session and how you're progressing.

Once you have completed this list, please e-mail it to: carina@hhcollectivewellness.com with the subject "Your name - Priority List" 

Then you are ready for your first session and all re-ocurring sessions after your initial session! 


* The ZOOM Video Meeting invitation link will be included in your Purchase Download! If you can NOT attend LIVE, rest assured you will receive the recording which works just as powerfully! 

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