Home/Land Clearing & Blessings by Hananeel (fully-remote, see description)

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IMPORTANT: This is a fully-remote/from a distance session, this takes Hananeel approximately 2 hours to complete and includes a typed up report PDF that you will receive upon completion. Hananeel always asks the land/home for energetic consent before clearing.


Please e-mail the following to : hanna@hhcollectivewellness.com and CC carina@hhcollectivewellness.com

Subject: "your name - home/land clearing"

Body of e-mail include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Home address
  • Explain the situation going on. If there is "no specific concern or issue"going on and you simply are wanting a home/land clearing and blessing, you can state that as well
  • Photo of yourself & any other occupants that live in the home
  • Photos of the home and land it's on. This includes all the rooms, hallways, bedrooms, bathrooms, attics, basements, outside of home, as well as the yard & land around home. The more angles you can cover especially of the land around the home the better. You can attach them all onto a word document/pdf and attach that to your e-mail, or you can put them in the body of the e-mail if there aren't too many.

De scription of Hananeel's Home/Land Clearing & Blessing

The land has always been fundamental for the health and cultural identity of Indigenous Peoples.

A commonly held belief is the interconnectedness of all life, which includes human persons and all Creation (animals, plants, rocks, visible and unseen forces of nature, the universe) that coexist in balance, harmony, respect and care. This cosmology is sometimes articulated through expressions such as “All my relations”, which underlines the connection to earth and centrality of Spirit. As beings of the earth and from the earth, Indigenous Peoples have developed specific concepts, practices and standards of care that are derived from and deployed on the land, which commonly aim to maintain spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness. Wellness is understood as maintaining balance between these four elements in a way that nurtures a sense of hope and belonging and gives a meaning and purpose to life. The land is thus viewed as a living, breathing, conscious being that heals and teaches, and is therefore the source of a positive and balanced well-being.

The walls of our homes and the land on which we stand are witness to our pain and suffering, positive and negative thoughts, our wars, deaths and births. When the events involve much chaos and negativity, unwanted heavy energies collect over time and become unable or unwilling to leave. When this happens, a clearing is needed to bring peace to the dwelling and the land.

The spirit of a home, building or land can become depleted or lost, leading to a feeling of emptiness. A blessing is performed to awaken the vibrant spirit of the home or a piece of land and to create a sacred space that is inviting to the energy of creator.

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Home/Land Clearing & Blessings by Hananeel (fully-remote, see description)
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