via ZOOM w/ Debbie:


Hello everyone!

On May 2nd, after receiving a lot of DM's from our community members about feeling extra-exhausted, off and "out of sorts" over the last few days/weeks, I was guided to take a poll on our Instagram to see who else was feeling these same symptoms.

An astounding 98% of you voted, YES you have been feeling this way.

So I talked to Debbie about offering a GROUP HEALING/CLEARING SESSION as soon as we could, to do our part in helping to clear & release these negative symptoms so many of us are experiencing lately.

I had left an "answer box" and asked our audience to comment with any other symptoms they've been experiencing more than usual or all of a sudden. This way we could get a better idea of what topics to cover during this Group Session that best serves those of you who will be joining us.

The most widespread symptoms submitted by our community are listed below:

  • Utter Exhaustion
  • Low energy
  • Irritability / agitation / short fuse / anger
  • Heightened anxiety / fear
  • Trouble falling/staying sleeping
  • Hopelessness / depression
  • Digestion Issues
  • Muscle aches/headaches/tension related pain in neck & shoulders
  • Resistance of various types
  • Unresolved traumas / past issues resurfacing
  • Nightmares/vivid unpleasant dreams
  • Unexplained Dizziness/nausea
  • Overwhelm / feeling stuck

So that leads us to this session being put into action!

It will be on May 11th at 7:30pm EST via ZOOM and we will address as many of these topics/symptoms as we can in the approximate 1 hour Session.

Debbie's Group Session's are a powerful way to gain the benefits of her modalities, at a much lower cost and in a community energetic format. It also allows you to bank off of "borrowed benefits" which means that anything that comes up from others to clear, or programs from others that may not have come up for you for a long time, also gets cleared & healed ! Furthermore, when you have multiple people coming together to participate in the same Energetic Healing activity, it creates a Morphogenic field of energy which amplifies the results.

NOTE: If you are NEW to Debbie's work (have never done a 1:1 on zoom with her, or joined us for a past Group Session), please click HERE and watch the 11 minute video where she explains a bit about how her sessions work. Debbie is always upgrading and enhancing her work, so since this Intro video was recorded, she has added some new powerful techniques which will of course be integrated into this 1 hour group session.

Those of you who have worked with Debbie before, welcome back!!!

I can't wait to see you all there!

Many Blessings,



Debbie will be addressing the various topics associated with our various realms (eg: physical, mental, emotional etc) and symptoms associated with each such as:

  • Physical (eg: sleep, exhaustion, nervous system regulation, headaches, muscle aches, digestion, low energy etc.)
  • Mental (eg: compulsions, catastrophic thinking, doom and gloom thoughts, mental exhaustion, other thought forms)
  • Emotional (eg: fear, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, anger, worry)
  • Spiritual or Psychic (eg: feeling disconnected from your body and from Source, nightmares, disembodied, ungrounded) 
  • Energetic (eg: blown out or shut down chakras and other issues pertaining to the influx of intense energies)

You will also learn a technique to help with these and many other issues.


Find a comfortable place to join from, such as a sofa or bed, where you can be fully relaxed & present.

Put your phone away or on Do-Not-Disturb and silence anything that is distracting.

Debbie will begin the session by grounding all of our energy before transitioning into the healing & clearing work.

And that's it!

Can't wait to see you there <3


WHEN? May 11th at 7:30pm EST (4:30pm PST)

WHERE? LIVE via Zoom (*** If you can NOT attend this time LIVE, don't worry! You can you can still book your spot below and receive the benefits of this Healing & Clearing Session via the recording. Simply e-mail us and let us know you couldn't attend LIVE and we will send you the recording within 24 hours.)

LENGTH: Approximately 1 hour

Cost: $33

Missed this session LIVE ?! Don't worry!


Topics covered in this 70 minute session recording:

  • Clearing any empathizing for others
  • Clearing pathogens - mostly non-physical pathogens like energetic toxins and their symptoms
  • Releasing triggers and coming to neutrality, peace and calm
  • Spiritual clarity and complete sovereignty - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, dimensional, relationship, higher self and soul
  • Flipping/transmuting energies that do not support us
  • A meditation at the end for creating a peaceful space


*** Users on MOBILE: If you are having trouble with the embedded scheduler below getting cut off, please click on the button below instead, and it will take you directly to Acuity to complete the booking! Thank you <3

Once booked, you will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail that has important information and the ZOOM link so please don't forget to open it!  *** You will also receive reminder e-mails 48 hours, 24 hours and 1 hour before the session.

See you all there <3

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